Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=1823 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

WAO : World Affairs Online

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: World Affairs Online is one of the largest social science databases in Europe, currently containing over 665,000 references, mainly journal articles, book chapters, hearings, and grey literature. The database offers a comprehensive range of references on international relations and area studies, with a focus on foreign and security policy and European politics.

Coverage: 1980's to present

Area Studies
European Studies
History, Genealogy & Archives
Military Science & National Security
Politics & Government
Publicly Available Resources
Social Sciences

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Academic Search Premier
Columbia International Affairs Online
General OneFile
ProQuest Databases
World News Connection
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

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