Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

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EPA Science Inventory

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: The Science Inventory is a searchable, Agency-wide database of more than 4,000 scientific and technical work products. Database records provide such information as project descriptions (abstracts), contacts for additional information and electronic links to final reports and related research. See also:

The EPA, like all regulatory agencies, publishes its Unified Agenda , a comprehensive report that describes all the regulations it is working on or has recently finished.

Some technical reports from the EPA are available through the Library of Congress Technical Reports and Standards Unit (TRS) . Many others are in the general collections of the Library and can be found by searching the LC online catalog.

Coverage: Various Dates

Environmental Studies
Government Documents
Publicly Available Resources
Science & Technology
Technical Reports and Standards

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Environment Complete
Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management
General Science Full Text
Web of Science

Related Links
E-print Network
Energy Citations Database
National Environmental Publications Internet Site Database
Science Accelerator
Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

Other Related Links:
EPA National Catalog

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