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Volume 36(7);  July 1981
The pulmonary clock.
M R Hetzel
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 481–486.
PMCID: PMC1020426
Reception of the stethoscope and Laënnec's book.
P J Bishop
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 487–492.
PMCID: PMC1020428
Gastric emptying after oesophagectomy as assessed by plasma paracetamol concentrations.
P Goldstraw and P Bach
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 493–496.
PMCID: PMC1020429
Hydatid cyst of the liver with intrathoracic rupture.
D S Xanthakis, E Katsaras, M Efthimiadis, G Papadakis, G Varouchakis, and C Aligizakis
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 497–501.
PMCID: PMC1020430
Recurrent chest infections, ciliary abnormalities and partial complement deficiency in a Jordanian family.
I D Starke, B Corrin, P J Selby, A D Webster, and M Turner-Warwick
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 502–507.
PMCID: PMC1020431
Bronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma.
G Buirski, P M Calverley, N J Douglas, D Lamb, M McIntyre, M F Sudlow, and H White
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 508–511.
PMCID: PMC1020432
Serum and sputum alpha 2 macroglobulin in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease.
D Burnett and R A Stockley
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 512–516.
PMCID: PMC1020433
Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction as an expression of bronchial hyperreactivity: a study of its mechanisms in children.
H J Neijens, T Wesselius, and K F Kerrebijn
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 517–522.
PMCID: PMC1020434
Influence of age on response to ipratropium and salbutamol in asthma.
M I Ullah, G B Newman, and K B Saunders
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 523–529.
PMCID: PMC1020435
Site of action of ipratropium bromide and clinical and physiological determinants of response in patients with asthma.
M R Partridge and K B Saunders
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 530–533.
PMCID: PMC1020436
Cardiovascular response during severe acute asthma and its treatment in children.
A T Edmunds and S Godfrey
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 534–540.
PMCID: PMC1020437
Management of oesophageal perforation associated with benign stricture and hiatus hernia by oesophagoplasty and fundoplication.
D K Cooper
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 541–542.
PMCID: PMC1020438
Alveolar proteinosis lung lavage using partial cardiopulmonary bypass.
A P Freedman, A Pelias, R F Johnston, I P Goel, H I Hakki, T Oslick, and J P Shinnick
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 543–545.
PMCID: PMC1020439
Ventilatory function test values of health adult Jordanians.
N A Sliman, B M Dajani, and H M Dajani
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 546–549.
PMCID: PMC1020440
Oat cell carcinoma of bronchus presenting with somatostatinoma syndrome.
R R Ghose and S K Gupta
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 550–551.
PMCID: PMC1020441
Progressive lung disease in a malt-worker.
M E Ellis and J A Friend
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 552–553.
PMCID: PMC1020442
Pneumonectomy for massive ventilated lung cysts.
E D Bateman, D E Westerman, R P Hewitson, and A D Ferguson
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 554–556.
PMCID: PMC1020443
Fulminating chromobacterial septicaemia presenting as respiratory distress syndrome.
T S Lee and B D Wright
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 557–559.
PMCID: PMC1020444
Moses Maimonides' Treatise on Asthma.
A Sakula
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 560.
PMCID: PMC1020445
Interstitial fibrosis and alveolar cell carcinoma in a family
F Beaumont
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 560.
PMCID: PMC1020446
Palliative side-to-side oesophagogastrostomy for unresectable carcinoma of the oesophagus and cardia
Thorax. 1981 July; 36(7): 560.
PMCID: PMC1020447
Corrects: K Kwun, et al. Palliative side-to-side oesophagogastrostomy for unresectable carcinoma of the oesophagus and cardia. Thorax. 1981 June; 36(6): 441–445.
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