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Volume 33(2);  April 1978
High-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and coronary heart disease.
G J Miller
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 137–139.
PMCID: PMC470863
Primary lymphoproliferative conditions of lung.
A R Gibbs and R M Seal
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 140–152.
PMCID: PMC470864
The thorax in history. 2. Hellenistic experiment and human dissection.
R K French
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 153–166.
PMCID: PMC470865
Pulmonary noradrenergic innervation of rat and monkey: a comparative study
Al-Walid I. El-Bermani
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 167–174.
PMCID: PMC470866
Lung injury following a 50-metre fall into water.
H T Robertson, S Lakshminarayan, and L D Hudson
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 175–180.
PMCID: PMC470867
An outbreak of pleural mesothelioma and chronic fibrosing pleurisy in the village of Karain/Urgüp in Anatolia.
Y I Baris, A A Sahin, M Ozesmi, I Kerse, E Ozen, B Kolacan, M Altinörs, and A Göktepeli
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 181–192.
PMCID: PMC470868
Peripheral pooling of bronchographic contrast material: evidence of its relationship to smoking and emphysema.
A W Musk, B Gandevia, and F J Palmer
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 193–200.
PMCID: PMC470869
Carboxyhaemoglobin levels and inhaling habits in cigarette smokers.
N Wald, M Idle, and A Bailey
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 201–206.
PMCID: PMC470870
Unilateral pulmonary collapse in asthmatics.
J A Hopkirk and J E Stark
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 207–210.
PMCID: PMC470871
Bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine and isoprenaline in patients with airway obstruction.
M K Benson
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 211–213.
PMCID: PMC470872
A comparison of oral and inhaled steroids in patients with chronic airways obstruction: features determining response.
S M Harding and S Freedman
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 214–218.
PMCID: PMC470873
Pulmonary and hepatic granulomatous disorders due to the inhalation of cement and mica dusts.
J Cortex Pimentel and A Peixoto Menezes
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 219–227.
PMCID: PMC470874
Bronchial carcinoma and long-term survival. Retrospective study of 433 patients who underwent resection.
G Freise, A Gabler, and S Liebig
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 228–234.
PMCID: PMC470875
Pus, deoxyribonucleic acid, and sputum viscosity.
R Picot, I Das, and L Reid
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 235–242.
PMCID: PMC470876
Pulmonary function studies in healthy Pakistani adults.
D E Williams, R D Miller, and W F Taylor
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 243–249.
PMCID: PMC470877
Use of BCG as an immunostimulant in the surgical treatment of carcinoma of lung: a five-year follow-up report.
F R Edwards and F Whitwell
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 250–252.
PMCID: PMC470878
Blood flow and pressure measurements of right coronary artery to left ventricle fistula.
I Kiso, T Itoh, M Morishita, K Kato, and Y Ishikura
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 253–256.
PMCID: PMC470879
Comparison of reports on lung function tests made by chest physicians with those made by a simple computer program.
D M Geddes, M Green, and P A Emerson
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 257–260.
PMCID: PMC470880
Tumour production of alkaline phosphatase in a patient with giant-cell carcinoma of bronchus.
J M Pfeffer and P G Stovin
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 261–264.
PMCID: PMC470881
Anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta associated with aortopulmonary window.
G Gula, C Chew, R Radley-Smith, and M Yacoub
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 265–269.
PMCID: PMC470882
A new method of disinfection of the flexible fibrebronchoscope.
A Garcia de Cabo, P L Martinez Larriba, J Checa Pinilla, and F Guerra Sanz
Thorax. 1978 April; 33(2): 270–272.
PMCID: PMC470883
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