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Volume 16(4);  December 1961
A Clinical Evaluation of the Rygg-Kyvsgaard III and the Mark III Pump Oxygenators
E. Arnfred, Inge H. Rygg, Thorkild Frederiksen, H. C. Engell, Thue Poulsen, and J. Rosen
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 309–319.
PMCID: PMC1018644
A Technique for the Combination of Profound Hypothermia and Extracorporeal Circulation with Complete Circulatory Arrest
A. J. Gunning
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 320–324.
PMCID: PMC1018645
The Technique of Hypothermic Perfusion
P. J. Molloy and R. I. Lindfield
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 325–334.
PMCID: PMC1018646
The Results and Complications of Hypothermic Perfusion
P. J. Molloy
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 335–337.
PMCID: PMC1018647
Surgical Correction of Coarctation of the Aorta by an “Isthmusplastic” Operation
K. Vossschulte
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 338–345.
PMCID: PMC1018648
The Surgical Treatment of the Tetralogy of Fallot
C. N. Barnard and V. Schrire
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 346–355.
PMCID: PMC1018649
Haemolytic Anaemia of Mechanical Origin after Open Heart Surgery
H. M. Sayed, J. V. Dacie, D. A. Handley, S. M. Lewis, and W. P. Cleland
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 356–360.
PMCID: PMC1018650
The Streptomycin Concentration in Tuberculous Cavities
K. D. Arosenius, V. O. Björk, and G. Laurell
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 361–363.
PMCID: PMC1018651
Multiple Pulmonary Artery Aneurysms
Robert W. Charlton and Louis A. Du Plessis
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 364–371.
PMCID: PMC1018652
Rheumatoid Pneumoconiosis (Caplan's Syndrome) in an Asbestos Worker
W. G. Tellesson
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 372–377.
PMCID: PMC1018653
Myelomatosis with Extensive Pulmonary Involvement
Zelman Freeman
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 378–381.
PMCID: PMC1018654
Tracheopathia Osteoplastica
R. Salm
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 382–385.
PMCID: PMC1018655
Failure of Sternal Fusion with Herniation of the Pericardium
H. T. Thompson
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 386–387.
PMCID: PMC1018656
Acute Disseminated Histoplasmosis of Pulmonary Origin Probably Contracted in Britain
A. A. Miller, F. Ramsden, and M. R. Geake
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 388–394.
PMCID: PMC1018657
An Unusual Case of Haemoptysis
F. J. Clark
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 395–396.
PMCID: PMC1018658
Proceedings of the Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1961 December; 16(4): 397–400.
PMCID: PMC1018659
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