Topic: endocrine & metabolic diseases (en)
Title: Hormone Foundation’s Patient Guide to the Management of Maternal Hyperthyroidism Before, During and After Pregnancy.
Author: De Groot, L.; Stagnaro-Green, A.; Vigersky, R., eds.
Source: Chevy Chase, MD: Hormone Foundation. 2007. 2 p.
Availability: Available from Available from Hormone Foundation. 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 900, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. Phone: 1-800-467-6663. Email: Website: Price: Available free of charge on website.
Abstract: This fact sheet provides a patient guide to the management of maternal hyperthyroidism before, during, and after pregnancy. The guide is based on clinical guidelines written to help physicians who are evaluating and treating various types of thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy. The authors note that pregnancy, even in women with no thyroid abnormalities, causes major changes in thyroid hormone levels. This fact sheet focuses on maternal hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the mother has too much of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, sometimes called an overactive thyroid. Readers are reminded that hyperthyroidism can have harmful effects on pregnancy, so diagnosis and treatment are vital. Most cases of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy are caused by Graves’ disease. The fact sheet outlines typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism, notes risk factors for the condition, and summarizes the recommended treatments for hyperthyroidism, notably antithyroid drug therapy. Readers are referred to the Hormone Foundation ( or 1–800–HORMONE) for more information. 2 figures.

Format: Factsheet
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Endocrine Diseases and Disorders. Thyroid Gland. Graves’ Disease. Pregnancy. Complications. Hyperthyroidism. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Drug Therapy. Patient Care Management.
Minor Keywords: Diagnostic Tests. Autoimmune Diseases. Prenatal Care. Drug Effects. Risk Factors. Immune System. Postnatal Care.
Publication Number: ENDC10121.
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