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Access: On-Site Access Only

Description: Provides directory information for individuals, international organizations, and agencies, as well as policy overviews. The Yearbook includes the following databases:

  • Global Strategies - Solutions - profiles of organization strategies on implemented, or advocated strategies, as indicated by international constituencies.
  • Human Development : profiles of human development approaches and modes of awareness, and their relationships, as perceived by different beliefs systems, disciplines, religions, and cultures (notably those represented by international organizations).
  • Human Values : profiles of human values, and their relationships, relevant to the aims of international constituencies.
  • Integrative Concepts - assembles descriptions of the range of concepts or conceptual approaches which are, in some way, considered integrative and which are held by some international constituencies to provide the key to the organization of any effective strategic response to the global problematique.
  • International Congress Calendar - contains details of past and future meetings announced by international organizations.
  • International Organizations - provides extensive coverage of around 30,000 non-profit international organizations (including 25,000 international non-governmental and some 5,000 intergovernmental organizations) active in almost 300 countries and territories.
  • Issues Bibliography - covers reports on world problems and strategies of international organizations in response to them, studies of international organizations, conference proceedings, reports on human development, potential and values.
  • Organizations Bibliography - covers publications produced by international organizations.
  • Patterns and Metaphores - explores the role of metaphor and pattern in relation to governance, understanding of world problems, articulation of more appropriate organizational strategies, transformative conferencing and dialogue, and knowledge organization.
  • Who's Who in International Organizations - provides profiles of over 13,000 international organization executives.
  • World Problems - Issues - Profiles of world problems and issues, and their relationships, as perceived by international constituencies (intergovernmental organizations, international nongovernmental associations (NGOs) and other bodies.
Published by the Union of International Associations (UIA)

List of LC holdings for other editions / titles from the Union of International Associations.

Coverage: Current

Area Studies
Business, Economics & Industry
Politics & Government
Subscription Database List

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Encyclopedia of Associations
Europa World

Related Links
Directory of Development Organizations
Worldwide NGO Directory

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