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main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=1373 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: FRASER is a searchable electronic archive of economic statistical publications and data. Publications available online include:

  • All Bank Statistics, (1896 - 1955): Included are annual balance sheet items, particularly on a standard basis (segregation of loans into real estate, collateral, and other loans), as well as data on hundreds of unincorporated (private) banks. Data is provided for both States and for major bank categories.
  • Annual Statistical Digest : Provides a single source of historical continuations of statistics carried regularly in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Includes interest rates, monetary aggregates, banking deposits and reserves, as well as historical mortgage rates, and production information.
  • Banking and Monetary Statistics, (1914-1941 & 1941-1970): Statistics included relate primarily to the operations of the Federal Reserve System, but also include data on the condition and operation of all banks. There are also statistics on nonbank financial institutions, currency, money rates, securities markets, Treasury finance, consumer credit, gold, and international financial developments.
  • Business Conditions Digest : A monthly publication of economic time series covering such data as construction contracts and orders, new building permits, employment rates, and price indices in graphical format showing peaks, troughs, and recessions.
  • Business Cycle Developments : Was a monthly publication of economic time series covering such data as construction contracts and orders, new building permits, employment rates, and price indices in graphical format. Graphs show peaks, troughs, and recessions. Tables are also included showing data used in the graphs. The publication was a product of the U.S. Department of Commerce. (Continued by Business Conditions Digest)
  • Business Statistics (Supplement to the Survey of Current Business): Contains a wide range of economic data, including price and production indices for all sectors of the United States business sector. Major sections of the publication include indexes, prices, employment, finance, trade, and production by sector.
  • Concordance of Statistics : Lists the number and title for all of the tables found in the Federal Reserve Bulletin, Annual Statistical Digest, and Statistical Digest.
  • Economic Indicators : Provides statistical data prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers both in tabular and graphic form and includes information on consumer and producer prices, employment, production, and money and banking. Tables typically display 10 years of annual data with the most recent 12 to 15 months broken out in detail.
  • Productivity and Costs Statistics : Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) including "The Major Sector Productivity and Costs program," which produces quarterly and annual output per hour and unit labor costs for the U.S. business, nonfarm business, and manufacturing sectors, and "The Industry Productivity and Costs," detailing annual measures of output per hour and unit labor costs for 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries in the U.S., featuring complete coverage in manufacturing, retail trade, and in wholesale trade. Link to BLS Productivity and Costs data .
Also see Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED , a database of over 3000 U.S. economic time series. Data categories include: Banking; Business/Fiscal; Consumer Price Indexes - CPI; Employment & Population; Exchange Rates; Gross Domestic Product - GDP and Components; Interest Rates; Monetary Aggregates; Producer Price Indexes - PPI; Reserves and Monetary Base; U.S. Trade & International Transactions; and U.S. Financial Data.

Coverage: 1900's to present

Business, Economics & Industry
Government Documents
Publicly Available Resources
Statistics (numeric data)

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Statistical Warehouse

Related Links
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Fed in Print
Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

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