Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=1981 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

North American Transportation Statistics Database

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: Provides information and statistics on transportation and transportation-related activities among Canada, the United States and Mexico, both within individual countries and between the countries. This database, presented in French, English, and Spanish is, accessible in table and time series formats, and covers twelve thematic areas, including transportation and the economy, transportation safety, transportation’s impact on energy and the environment, passenger and freight activity, and transportation and trade.

Also try:

  • U.S. Census Bureau North American Transportation in Figures , covering Canada, Mexico and the United States. Sections include: Transportation and the Economy; Transportation Safety; Transportation, Energy, and the Environment; Domestic Freight Activity; North American Merchandise Trade; International Merchandise Trade Between North America and the Rest of the World; Domestic Passenger Travel; North American Passenger Travel; International Passenger Travel Between North America and the Rest of the World; Transportation Infrastructure; and Transportation Vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.).
  • NTSB aviation accident database - contains information from 1962 and later about civil aviation accidents and selected incidents within the United States, its territories and possessions, and in international waters.
  • Manufacturers Identification Code (MIC) Database - Coast Guard searchable database of all recreational boat manufacturers in the United States and U.S. importers of recreational boats (includes company name, address, phone number, and operating status).
  • - contains statistics for deaths and injuries involving specific makes and modes of vehicles (including crash test and rollover ratings for cars and trucks), as well as information about defects and recalls (maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ).

Coverage: Various Dates

Business, Economics & Industry
Publicly Available Resources
Technical Reports and Standards

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Academic Search Premier
General OneFile
National Technical Information Service

Related Links
TRIS Online: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Other Related Links:
Fatality Analysis Reporting System Encyclopedia
Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)
National Transportation Statistics (NTS) Reports, 2000-
Transportation Statistics Annual Report (TSAR), 1994-

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