Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=690 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

Consumer Action Handbook

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: The Consumer Action Handbook is a guide from the Federal Consumer Information Center to help with your consumer problems and questions. Find help on such topics as buying and leasing cars, shopping from home and protecting your privacy and yourself from fraud. The Handbook also features thousands of names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for corporate consumer contacts, state and federal government agencies, local and national consumer organizations and more.

For related consumer protection news about: Automobiles Investments; Credit Privacy; Diet, Health & Fitness; E-Commerce & the Internet; Energy & Environment; Franchise & Business Opportunities; Identity Theft; Products & Services; Scholarship & Employment Services; Telemarketing; Telephone Services; Tobacco; and Travel, see the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Consumer Information .

Coverage: Various Dates

Business, Economics & Industry
Publicly Available Resources

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Readers' Guide Full Text

Other Related Links:
Search for Consumer Reports Online via Serials Solutions

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