Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

main query IF: SELECT * FROM main, coverage, maincoverage, subject, mainsubject WHERE main.MainID=1632 AND coverage.coverageID=maincoverage.coverageID AND main.MainID=maincoverage.MainID AND main.MainID=mainsubject.MainID AND subject.SubjectID=mainsubject.SubjectID ORDER BY Name, subject_name

Homeland Security Digital Library ON-SITE ACCESS ONLY

Access: On-Site Access Only

Description: Provides quick access to important United States policy documents, presidential directives, and national strategy documents as well as specialized resources such as theses and reports from various universities, organizations and local and state agencies. The database represents a wide range of web-based resources from NASA to RAND to Medline Plus, covering the following areas:

  • Borders and immigration
  • Infrastructure protection - Agriculture and food supply; Chemical industry and hazardous materials, etc.
  • Emergency management
  • Intelligence
  • Law and justice
  • Management and economics
  • Military - Civil-military relations; Defense policy and doctrine
  • Public health - Chronic diseases; Environmental health; Epidemiology
  • Technology - Biotechnology; Geospatial technology; Identification technology
  • Terrorism and society - Psychology of fear; Psychology of terrorism; Racial and ethnic relations
  • Terrorism and threats - Agricultural terrorism; Biological terrorism; Chemical terrorism
  • War
  • Weapons and weapon systems - Biological weapons; Chemical weapons; Conventional weapons
Other Features include:
  • A quick link reference page: efficiently organized direct access to the most popular homeland security documents: Federal reports; Federal policy documents; Major legislation; Presidential directives and executive orders; National strategy documents; Research reports, thesis, and dissertations; and Speeches and seminal documents
  • On the Homefront News and Reports: links to newly released reports, breaking news stories, and a calendar of up-coming homeland security related conferences and events
  • Search separately CRS Issue Briefs, Naval Postgraduate School, and GAO testimony and reports
The resources are reviewed and selected by a team of homeland security researchers. For environmental radiological data collected for programs funded through the Atomic Energy Commission, see the Environmental Measurements Laboratory - EML site, now part of Homeland Security.

Coverage: Various Dates

Business, Economics & Industry
Government Documents
Military Science & National Security
Politics & Government
Science & Technology

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Academic Search Premier
General OneFile
ProQuest Databases
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Related Links
MIPT Terrorism Information Center
RAND Publications Online

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