High blood pressure prevention information is
relevantand importantto you, your students, and their families!
By participating in Prevent and Control High Blood Pressure:
Mission Possible, you can start your students on the road to good heart
health at an early age - instilling habits that can help them - and their
families - live long, high quality lives and contribute to their communities.
Here are suggestions for how you can participate in
Prevent and Control High Blood Pressure: Mission Possible. After
you've reviewed them, go to Materials to help you get started.
Students and Parents
- Hold Health Fairs
Hold health fairs for
students, parents, and the community to promote heart healthy lifestyles.
Include blood pressure screenings, heart healthy cooking demonstrations, and
physical activity competitions.
- Expand Sporting Events
Make heart health
education part of sporting events, with interactive activities for
attendeesreinforcing the value and enjoyment of physical activity for
- Involve Students
Incorporate high blood
pressure education into health classeshave students evaluate and improve
their family's eating and physical activity habits to encourage heart healthy
- Encourage Physical Activity
Work with
administrators (and parents) to underscore the importance of recess, play
periods, and physical education programssupporting lifelong enjoyment of
physical activity.
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- Help Parents Build Healthier
Help parents build healthier families by including high blood
pressure prevention and control information in PTA health programs and home
- Involve School Dietitians
Consult with
cafeteria dietitians to promote heart healthy menus, including fruits and
vegetables and lowfat dairy foods, and make sure vending machines stock healthy
- Support Healthy Habits
Prevent overweight
and obesity in children by working with parents and communities to support
healthy eating and regular physical activity. And, as influential role models,
you can promote healthy lifestyles with students through your own eating and
physical activity habits.
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Visit Real possibilities
for America's teachers and educators, for more ideas, PDF, 71K