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RSA Software

An RSA team inspects a roadway and another team meets in a conference room to review roadway plans.

The RSA Software is finalized and available for download on this website.


Prompt lists, sometimes called checklists, are one of the tools used in conducting Road Safety Audits (RSAs) that help the auditors to identify potential safety issues and ensure that they do not overlook something important in an audit. There are, however, many challenges in using RSA prompt lists. The main one is that the use of comprehensive RSA prompt lists has the potential to become an exercise of “ticking” the boxes instead of an aid for the application of knowledge and experience of the auditors. Another concern is that with the use of hi-level, broad prompt lists deprive the auditors of sufficient detail that might be needed. The FHWA Road Safety Audit (RSA) Software was developed to address these challenges and to support the practical implementation of the FHWA RSA Guidelines.

The RSA Software is not just a mere automation of RSA prompt lists – it is intended to be a guiding and process tracking tool enabling the use of RSA prompt lists at variety of detail levels, while providing a way to accompany each safety issue raised with a discussion and  assessment.  Using the software helps auditors to think about and justify their findings. The software assists in drafting RSA reports, enables users to record safety issues both by prompt list topic and by location, helps verify issues and locations entered, and can be used in RSA training.

Installation Information:

A user manual is included in the zipped file. Administrator rights are needed to install this. The RSA Software will install .NET framework and Microsoft SQL if not already on the PC. It is not compatible with MAC, UNIX or VISTA operating systems.

Download software [ZIP, 135 MB]

Questions? Contact Eloisa Raynault at

Download the WinZip to open the ZIP file You may need the WinZip to open the ZIP file on this page.


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