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Prevent and Control America's High Blood Pressure: Mission Possible National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: National High Blood Pressure Education Program
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Community & Civic Leaders - Activities

Help make high blood pressure prevention and control a community affair!
High blood pressure affects all Americans, on both a personal and community level. By participating in Prevent and Control High Blood Pressure: Mission Possible, you can help build a heart healthy community. This can lead to longer, higher quality lives for your friends and neighbors, reduced health care costs, and enhanced economic strength for all.

Here are suggestions for how you can participate in Prevent and Control High Blood Pressure: Mission Possible. After you've reviewed them, go to Materials to help you get started.

Activities for Community & Civic Leaders

Community Events

  • Build Partnerships
  • Seek support from local hospitals and businesses to hold health fairs featuring high blood pressure screenings and promotion of heart healthy community programs and services for your memberships, the media, and the public.
  • Engage local businesses and other community partners by creating a special walk for high blood pressure, featuring prewalk screenings and giveaways that promote heart healthy community programs.
  • Community Events
  • Promote heart health at health fairs and other community gatherings. Include blood pressure screenings to help improve personal and, in turn, overall community health.
  • Promote heart healthy food options at special events, community gatherings and holiday celebrations. Follow the DASH eating plan to help prevent and control high blood pressure.

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Improve Member Health

  • Use member communications, presentations, and meetings to highlight the important role of heart healthy eating and regular physical activity in high blood pressure prevention and control.
  • Expand your current health education programming with information on high blood pressure prevention and control. Expand programs for special groups, such as older adults, with classes designed especially for them.
  • Make heart health education, including seminars and screenings, a regular part of faith-based and civic activities to emphasize the benefit of modest lifestyle changes in improving personal health.

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Visit Real possibilities for America's community, civic, and faith-based organizations, for more ideas, PDF, 69K

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