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Performance Track Origins and Endorsements

"Businesses that participate in the National Environmental Performance Track program are going beyond compliance to better protect public health and the environment."
- Carol Browner, EPA Administrator, EPA press release (June 2000)

Performance Track was born out of a desire to encourage public and private facilities to make environmental improvements beyond those required by law. The program is based on the premise that government should complement existing programs with new tools and strategies that not only protect people and the environment, but also capture opportunities for reducing cost and spurring technological innovation.

The path for Performance Track was forged in the mid 1990s through EPA's Enterprise for the Environment (E4E) project, a two-year consensus-building effort aimed at building a broad, bipartisan agreement on improving the nation's environmental protection system.

EPA published its initial proposal to develop "a performance track" in its July 1999 report, Aiming for Excellence (PDF) (70 pp, 1.1MB) . The Agency consulted extensively with stakeholders and state environmental agencies to develop and refine the proposal. The program was launched officially on June 26, 2000. Since then the program and its members have achieved significant results, including addressing a number of important environmental issues not covered under current regulations.

Over the years, Performance Track has received wide recognition and praise for its innovative approach and the achievements of its members; the links below provide details.

What EPA Administrators Say About Performance Track

State Interest in Performance Track

Performance Track Approaches Around the World

The programs listed below contain elements and approaches similar to those of Performance Track:

Stakeholder Support for Performance Track

Recognition for Performance Track

Performance Track's Contribution to EPA Goals

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