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 The World Health Organization (WHO)

After the United Nations was established, the World Health Organization became the organization responsible for publishing disease codes. The International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10), is the most recent edition in a series that began in 1893. It forms the basis for the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd edition (ICD-0-3),and the worldwide standard of cancer
diagnosis coding system. This was fully revised in ICD-10 and the topology codes are distinctly different from the earlier editions. ICD-10 can be purchased on diskette complete with a file for use in coding software.

The ICD-10 disease codes for cancer are primarily topographical, though special codes that combine topographic and morphologic characteristics of some cancers were added as the series evolved. The ICD-0 manuals provide registries with topography codes, from the ICD disease code tradition, and morphology codes developed from codes originally published by the American Cancer Society.