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Resources: Cancer Statistics by Race/Ethnicity

Reports and Monographs

Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2005provides an update on the trends in cancer incidence (new cases reported) and death rates in the United States. The current report, published in November 2008, contains a special feature on trends in lung cancer, tobacco use and tobacco control.

An Update on Cancer in American Indians and Alaska Natives, 1999-2004 provides a comprehensive description of the cancer burden in the American Indian/ Alaska Native population in the United States.

The SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR), 1975-2005 includes cancer statistics by race/ethnicity, sex, age, and year of diagnosis for major cancers. Incidence and mortality statistics by race/ethnicity excerpted from the CSR can be viewed in a separate PDF. To view other statistics, you may search the CSR to select specific tables and figures based on statistic type, cancer site, and race/ethnicity. From a list of pages that meet your criteria, you can view individual pages or merge pages into one custom-built PDF.

State Cancer Profiles is a comprehensive system enabling the investigation of cancer trends at the national, state, and county level.

Cancer Incidence in Four Middle Eastern Countries (Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, andmJordan) presents information about cancer incidence for populations of the four countries for the period 1996-2001, and compares the findings with those from the US SEER Program.

Cancer in Women of Color Monograph is a comprehensive source of data on cancer in nine populations of women of color: African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, American Samoans, American Indians, and Alaska Natives.

Cancer Survival Among US Whites and Minorities (PDF) uses SEER data to describe racial and ethnic patterns of cancer-specific survival and relative risks of cancer death for all cancers combined and for cancers of the colon and rectum, lung and bronchus, prostate, and female breast for the six major US racial and ethnic groups.

Prostate Cancer: Racial/Ethnic Patterns from Prostate Cancer Trends, 1973-1995 includes statistics and interpretation for prostate cancer for white, black, Filipino, Hawaiian, Japanese, Native American, and Hispanic populations in the United States.

Racial/Ethnic Patterns of Cancer in the United States, 1988-1992 from Prostate Cancer Trends, 1973-1995 provides a concise description of the occurrence of the major cancers among several different racial/ethnic groups in the United States.

Research Tools

What Tool Should I Use? will help you determine which of these tools is most appropriate for you.

Fast Stats is an interactive tool to access key SEER and US cancer statistics by age, sex, and race. Tables and graphs include statistics for whites, blacks, Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Natives, and Hispanics.

Cancer Query Systems are Web-based data retrieval toosl that allow you to select statistics by defining various parameters, including race. Incidence, mortality, survival and stage, prevalence, and lifetime risk databases are available.

SEER*Stat software allows cancer researchers to calculate incidence rates based on SEER or other cancer databases.

Joinpoint can be used to calculate cancer trends by analyzing incidence rates. This is often used to analyze trends in rates calculated by SEER*Stat.

Last modified:
25 Nov 2008
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