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Recent AFNI Changes - Dec 2005 Recent AFNI Changes - Dec 2005

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Submitted by rickr. on 2005-12-29 17:18.
Updates to programs 3dANOVA, 3dANOVA2, and 3dANOVA3.
  • Options were added to allow use of the old method either for testing, or for allowing computations that assume sphericity.
    1. -old_method : request to perform ANOVA using the previous functionality (requires -OK, also)
    • -OK : confirm that you understand issues with the old method of computing t-statistics
    • -assume_sph : assume sphericity using the old method (requires that contrasts sum to zero)
  • Options were added for second-order contrast testing.  These apply to 3dANOVA3, model types 4 and 5 only.
    • compute 2nd order contrast in A, at fixed B level j
      • -aBcontr c1 ... ca : j prefix
    • compute 2nd order contrast in B, at fixed A level i
      • -Abcontr i : c1 ... cb prefix
  • Convenience options were added for the more trivial contrasts.
    • compute the difference between levels a1 and a2 of factor A, with factor B fixed at level j (this is identical to using -aBcontr with all zeros, except for c_a1 = 1, c_a2 = -1, and using the same j for the factor B level)
      • -aBdiff a1 a2 : j prefix
    • compute the difference between levels b1 and b2 of factor B, with factor A fixed at level i (this is identical to using -Abcontr with all zeros, except for c_b1 = 1, c_b2 = -1, and using the same i for the factor A level)
      • -Abdiff i : b1 b2 prefix

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