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Intramural Research > Online Research Resources > Human Chromosome 7

Chromosome 7 YAC Clones

The YACs used for assembling the contig maps represent a diverse set of clones highly enriched for chromosome 7 DNA. In brief, this collection consisted of:

  1. YACs constructed from the monochromosomal human-hamster hybrid cell line GM10791
  2. YACs obtained by screening the Washington University, ICI, and CEPH libraries for individual STSs
  3. YACs identified by chromosome 7-specific Alu-PCR-based hybridization analysis of CEPH 'mega-YACs'
  4. YACs from the CEPH library thought to contain chromosome 7 DNA, based on data generated by the CEPH-Genethon mapping effort
  5. Two YAC clones containing the 7p and 7q telomeres [7p telomere YAC: yRM2185 (yWSS4377), GDB:229879; 7q telomere YAC: HTY146 (yWSS4191) GDB:171469].

Note that the first three components listed above correspond to the 'human chromosome 7 YAC resource' described by Green et al. (1995).

For organizational simplicity, all YACs are named with the prefix 'yWSS' followed by an unique number. Information about the YACs has been deposited in GDB.

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