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October 15, 2008
Equipment Lifetime:
Models predict a system's remaining life and links information to inventory decisions

October 12, 2008
Flu Pandemic Preparedness:
Models help determine food distribution and school closing strategies

October 9, 2008
Mimicking Gecko Feet:
Dry adhesive based on carbon nanotubes gets stronger, with directional gripping ability

October 9, 2008
Saving the Reefs:
Diversity of plant-eating fishes may be key to recovery of coral, Caribbean experiment shows

October 6, 2008
Seeing the Big Picture:
Portable imaging system will help maximize public health response to natural disasters

September 30, 2008
Reducing Noise:
Micro honeycomb materials enable a new physics of sound reduction

September 30, 2008
Fungal Life:
Researchers develop self-training gene prediction program for fungi

September 25, 2008
Tornado Tally:
Severe Storms Research Center seeks to increase Georgia's defenses against twisters

September 25, 2008
Molecular Details:
New Center for Bio-Imaging Mass Spectrometry aims to unravel the molecular complexities of biological systems

September 18, 2008
The Future is Exascale:
HP award will lay groundwork for next generation computers

September 15, 2008
Improving Circulation:
Prosthetic vein valve designed to improve blood flow shows promising pre-clinical results

September 15, 2008
To Kill or Not to Kill:
Study reveals how co-infecting viruses coordinate to determine a bacterial cell's fate

August 20, 2008
Delivery Confirmation:
Biodegradable polymers show promise for improving treatment of acute inflammatory diseases

August 6, 2008
Sifting the Data:
$3 million award will build a foundation for new ways to analyze massive data sets using visual analytics

July 31, 2008
Unmanned and Autonomous:
GTRI wins contract to develop technology roadmap for test and evaluation of new systems

July 14, 2008
Divide and Protect:
Study reveals principles behind stability and electronic properties of gold nanoclusters

July 8, 2008
Electron Extraction:
Research reveals factors that influence organic-based device efficiency

July 2, 2008
Communicating with Cells:
Biologically-inspired coating on titanium improves joint replacements

June 30, 2008
Magnetic Control:
Tongue Drive system allows individuals with disabilities to operate powered wheelchairs and computers

June 27, 2008
Detecting Bioterrorism Agents:
Ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes demonstrate high optical gains

June 23, 2008
Rapid Study:
Automated microfluidic device dramatically reduces time to screen worms and other small organisms for genetic studies

June 20, 2008
Mimicking the Brain: Georgia Tech wins contract for neuromorphic research on next-generation threat warning binoculars

June 16, 2008
Life Extension:
Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) receives $4 million to redesign modules for air traffic control radios

June 11, 2008
Fuel Efficiency:
Rising diesel prices create renewed interest in fuel-saving technologies for heavy trucks

May 20, 2008
Missed Vaccinations:
New tool creates personalized catch-up immunization schedules for missed childhood vaccinations

May 8, 2008
Fast as a Femtosecond:
New technique measures ultrashort laser pulses at focus

May 5, 2008
Antenna Power:
RFID Testbed logs many tags and rapidly assesses new antenna designs

May 2, 2008
Nanomaterials in the Environment:
Fate of nanoparticles depends on the properties of the water carrying them

April 29, 2008
All Shaken Up:
Atomic force microscopy shows liquids adjust viscosity when confined, shaken

April 23, 2008
OLED Encapsulation:
New sealing process reduces water intrusion and increases device lifetimes

April 16, 2008
Characterizing Materials:
Fast AFM probes measure multiple properties of biomolecules or materials simultaneously

April 9, 2008
Fate and Function:
Molecule delivery method improves embryonic stem cell differentiation

March 7, 2008
Carbon Capture
Low-cost reusable material could facilitate capture of carbon dioxide from power plants

March 5, 2008
Forget Your Meds?
Sensor necklace aims to increase drug compliance among elderly and clinical trial participants

February 18, 2008
Family Dynamics:
Research shows multiple sex partners, cooperation and caste system in yellow jackets

February 15, 2008
Scorpion Venom:
Peptide discovered in venom may hold key to secretory diseases

February 13, 2008
Power Shirt:
Fiber-based nanotechnology in clothing could generate electricity by harvesting energy from physical movement

February 13, 2008
Counterfeit Drugs:
Georgia Tech researchers help identify and shut down makers of fake anti-malarial medications

February 12, 2008
Copper Connection:
Researchers improve interconnects between computer chips and external circuits

February 4, 2008
Drug Delivery:
First-ever human study shows microneedles can enhance drug administration through the skin

January 29, 2008
Improved Decontamination:
Optimized UV-C phosphor kills anthrax spores in combination with X-rays

January 24, 2008
Technology Indicators:
Move over U.S. -- China to be new driver of world's economy and innovation

January 22, 2008
Asthma Attack:
Vest-based sensors monitor environmental exposure to help understand causes

January 16, 2008
Mapping tool allows emergency management personnel to visually track resources

January 3, 2008
Making Smarter Materials:
Shape-memory polymers are designed for biomedical applications

December 18, 2007
Explosives on a Chip:
Unique porous copper structures enable new generation of military micro-detonators

December 11, 2007
Regenerating Nerves:
Neurotransmitters in polymers stimulate nerve regrowth

November 28, 2007
Improving Fuel Cell Durability:
Research into better fuel cell materials and designs starts with studying failures

November 26, 2007
Organic Transistors:
Researchers produce high performance field-effect transistors with thin films of Carbon 60

November 21, 2007
Climate Conflict:
Study shows climate change may trigger wars and population decline

November 20, 2007
Clean Room Classic:
Vacuum evaporator purchased 50 years ago still going strong

November 7, 2007
Environmentally Friendly Carpet:
New sustainability standard encourages use of improved processes and materials

November 6, 2007
Car Without a Driver:
Georgia Tech's Urban Challenge Run Ends at National Qualifying Event

October 29, 2007
Assumptions of Independence:
Researchers show evidence of "memory" in cells and molecules

October 3, 2007
Flu vaccine in painless skin patches is under development at Emory University and Georgia Tech with $11.5 million in NIH grants

September 27, 2007
Quick Identification:
New field-deployable biosensor detects avian influenza virus in minutes instead of days

September 21, 2007
Better Definition for the Kilogram:
Scientists propose a precise integer number of carbon atoms as a new standard

September 18, 2007
Sensor Array:
New microsensor measures volatile organic compounds in water and air on-site

September 14, 2007
Who'll Keep the Lights On?
Simulation-based training facility opens, focusing on power generation industry

September 5, 2007
Invasive Species:
Tropical crab invades Georgia oyster reefs, but the long-term impact can't be predicted

August 28, 2007
Safe Water:
Simpler method for analyzing radium in water samples cuts testing time

August 23, 2007
Nanotube Formation:
Researchers learn to control dimensions of inorganic metal oxide nanotubes

August 12, 2007
Understanding MEMS:
DARPA award to create computer-aided design environment for micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) devices

July 20, 2007
Untangling the Office:
Multi-gigabit wireless research could soon make wired computers and peripherals obsolete

July 20, 2007
Learning Safety Early:
Georgia Tech Research Institute helps Georgia high school students prepare for the workplace

June 20, 2007
65-Foot Waves:
Scientists report study results from "stealth" tsunami that killed 600 in Java last summer

June 15, 2007
Single-Celled Transformers:
Marine phytoplankton changes form to protect itself from different predators

June 8, 2007
From Science Fiction to Reality:
Personal robots emerge to improve quality of life at work, home and school

June 8, 2007
Validation & Vision:
Long-term emissions monitoring validates vehicle inspection program and offers policy insights

May 4, 2007
Catalyst Efficiency:
Platinum nanocrystals boost catalytic activity for fuel oxidation, hydrogen production and other key reactions

April 26, 2007
Nanoparticle Compatibility:
New nanocomposite processing technique creates more powerful capacitors

April 11, 2007
3D solar cells boost efficiency while reducing size, weight and complexity of photovoltaic arrays

April 5, 2007
Powering Nanodevices:
Nanogenerator provides continuous power by harvesting energy from the environment

March 29, 2007
Beneficial Bacteria:
Researchers identify naturally occurring bacterial that can detoxify PCB contamination

March 29, 2007
65 Nanometers:
Two-photon absorbing molecules and laser scanning instruments fabricate polymer features 65 nanometers wide

March 13, 2007
Water Needs:
Researchers outline plans to address drinking water and sanitation needs of developing countries

March 8, 2007
Diatom Conversion:
Microscopic sea creatures provide a foundation for gas sensors and other devices

March 8, 2007
A Stronger Warning:
Researchers patent digital process for aircraft radar warning receivers

February 28, 2007
Researchers create a new class of electronic components by bending zinc oxide nanowires

February 14, 2007
Detecting Disease:
Scientists create dual-modality microbeads to improve identification of disease biomarkers in body fluids

February 1, 2007
Enemy Detection:
New sensor detects direction of sound under water and could help Navy detect targets

January 22, 2007
Nanotechnology Competition:
Study ranks Georgia Tech among top U.S. institutions for nano research

January 22, 2007
Nanotechnology Impact:
Georgia Tech joins new NSF center to study societal implications of the new technology

January 22, 2007
New Management:
GTRI names new deputy director for research support; Lisa Sills brings 18 years of experience as a researcher

January 10, 2007
Pavement Marking:
Automated system installs pavement markers, improving safety for road crews and drivers

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Last updated: October 12, 2008

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Georgia Tech Research in the News...

Regenerating Nerves -- Technology Review

Polymers that Shift and Shape -- IndustryWeek

Explosives-on-a-Chip Smarten Munitions -- EE Times

Polymer Scaffolds May Restore Damaged Nerves -- New Scientist

The Incredible Shrinking Design Cycle -- IndustryWeek

Explosives-on-a-Chip Improve Military Detonators -- Small Times

MEMS for Military Munitions --

Global Warming May Heat Up Conflicts, Too -- Christian Science Monitor

Polymer Promotes Nerve Growth - The Engineer

War has Historic Links to Global Climate Change - New Scientist

Carbon Transistors Touted as Outperforming Amorphous Silicon -- EE Times

Georgia Tech Tips Work on Fullerene FETs -- Solid State Technology

Climate Change Can Spark War -- LiveScience

History Shows Climate Changed Led to War -- Reuters

Nanogenerator Fueled by Vibrations -- Technology Review

A 3-D Solution to Solar Cell Inefficiencies -- Materials World

Better Platinum Catalysts Take Shape -- Chemical Processing

3-D Solar Cells -- Machine Design

Nanogenerator Harvests Power from Waves -- EE Times

Multi-faceted Catalysts -- Chemical & Engineering News

Nano-generator Could Power Tiny Devices -- New Scientist

Researchers Go into the Deep for New Electronic Device Inspiration -- Solid State Technology

Cheaper Avenue to 65 Nanometer -- Electronic Engineering Times

Nanogenerator Could Replace Batteries -- Cox Newspapers

Diatoms Transformed into Silicon Sensors -- Chemistry World

Tiny Generator Would Make Electricity While You Walk -- LiveScience

Tiny Wires Power Nano Revolution -- LabNews Online

Science of the Small -- Military & Aerospace Electronics

Transistor Performance: High Potential For Silicon-Germanium? -- Industry Week'

Biotech Startup Granted $1.65M for 'Molecular Beacon' --

White light 'blinds' film pirates --

How to Kill a Hard Drive -- Technology Review

A Garbage Can for Hard Drives -- Dark Reading

Data-in, data-out' signals quantum breakthrough -- New Scientist

Innovation Key to Manufacturer's Success -- IndustryWeek

Photons create primitive quantum network -- PhysicsWeb

Project Improves Control of Nanostructure Growth -- Electronics

NASCAR Engineers Help Design New Combat Vehicle -- LiveScience

Research News and Publications Office Wins Grand Award in CASE District III