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Fact Sheets: Information Sources

Asian and Pacific Islander Cancer Education Materials Web Tool
(Reviewed: 05/12/2008) - The APICEM Web tool offers health-care providers a place to search for Asian-language cancer education materials for patients by specific Asian language, by cancer site, or by screening topic. This effort is supported by NCI. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.12

Cancer Fund-Raising Organizations
(Reviewed: 12/22/2003) - A fact sheet that offers suggestions on how to evaluate charities and provides names of organizations that monitor charity fund-raising practices. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.8

Cancer Information Sources
(Reviewed: 05/24/2005) - A fact sheet about sources of cancer information on the Internet, in libraries, and from government and private sector organizations. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.1

Clinical Trials: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 05/19/2006) - This fact sheet covers types of clinical trials, who sponsors them, how they are conducted, how participants are protected, and who pays for the patient care costs associated with a clinical trial. Includes some questions to ask a health care provider before entering a clinical trial. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.11

How To Evaluate Health Information on the Internet: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 09/01/2005) - This fact sheet contains information to help people decide whether the health information they find on the Internet or receive via e-mail from a Web site is likely to be reliable. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.10

PDQ®: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 06/20/2005) - A fact sheet about the NCI's PDQ cancer information database. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.2

The National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 05/11/2006) - A fact sheet about NCI's Cancer Information Service, a resource that provides the latest and most accurate cancer information to patients and families, the public, and health professionals. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 2.5

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health