codecomments program

Documentation for the codecomments program is below, with links to related programs in the "see also" section.

{version = 2.10; (* of codecomments.p 2001 June 7}

(* begin module describe.codecomments *)
   codecomments: find the comment density of a pascal program

   codecomments(input: in, output: out)

   input: a pascal source code.
   output: a report on the comment density of the pascal program.


   With the comment density program, you can find out how much of your
   program is devoted to comments.  In general, the better programs will have
   more comments than those that are poor.  The program gives you the percent
   of characters devoted to comments.  A typical value should probably be
   around 50 percent of the characters devoted to description.  Suggested
   places to put comments are in the delman manual in the module


   Here is the distribution of comments in all Delila programs
   on 2000 Oct 24:

* genhis 1.75: generalized histogram data from
* name percent
* parameters:
*          6  is the data column used
*        314  numbers are in the file
*   31.60000  is the minimum number
*   91.60000  is the maximum number
*   52.11592  is the MEAN
*   11.50619  is the STANDARD DEVIATION
*    0.65037  is the STANDARD ERROR OF THE MEAN (SEM)
*  132.39246  is the variance
*    3.41127  is the uncertainty in bits
*    5.57143  is the computed uncertainty in bits (Shannon p.57)
*    0.00000  to   100.00000 is the range of data plotted
*    4.00000  is the x-axis interval
*     26     is the number of intervals
*         51 is the maximum y-axis value
*    1.00000 is the y-axis scale
* gaussian standard plotted
* interval    histogram
* beginning     value
    0.00000          0   
    4.00000          0   
    8.00000          0   
   12.00000          0   
   16.00000          0   :
   20.00000          0   :
   24.00000          0     :
   28.00000          1   +     :
   32.00000          9   +++++++++   :
   36.00000         26   ++++++++++++++++++++*+++++
   40.00000         50   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++++++++++
   44.00000         51   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*+++++++++++++
   48.00000         41   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :
   52.00000         41   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :
   56.00000         25   +++++++++++++++++++++++++            :
   60.00000         14   ++++++++++++++               :
   64.00000         21   ++++++++++++++++++++*
   68.00000         15   ++++++++++++*++
   72.00000         10   ++++++*+++
   76.00000          5   ++*++
   80.00000          0   :
   84.00000          2   *+
   88.00000          3   +++
   92.00000          0   
   96.00000          0   
  100.00000          0   


see also

   Current list of Delila programs and graph of % comments:





   Thomas D. Schneider


   The program does not keep track of blanks, so one's style with
   blanks could affect the percentage.

   The program does not know about comments of the form {}

   The program does not handle comments inside quotes.

(* end module describe.codecomments *)
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