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Chemicals Recommended for NTP Studies

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ICCEC Recommended Actions for NTP Studies August 15, 1997

Chemicals Recommended for Testing:

ChemicalCASRN Nomin. ByRecommended For Rationale; Other Info.
Asphalt fumes 8052-42-4 NIOSH;
- 28-day toxicological assessment
- pulmonary function and irritation
- biomarkers of exposure
- high exposure
- lack of adequate short term toxicity information
- need to identify biomarkers of exposure
(o-Aminophthalic hydrazide)
521-31-3 private indiv.; NIOSH - toxicity
- carcinogenicity
- in vivo genetic toxicity
- widespread use and potential for exposure
Orthanilic acid 88-21-1NIEHS - short-term toxicity studies - high production
- very little toxicology data available
Phenothiazine 92-84-2NIEHS - carcinogenicity - high production and exposure
- no carcinogenicity data available

Chemicals for Which No Testing is Recommended:

ChemicalCASRN Nomin. ByNominated For Rationale; Other Info.
Dicyclopentadiene 77-73-6NCI - reproductive toxicity
- carcinogenicity
- no adverse effects seen in teratology tests
- not mutagenic in Salmonella
- low potential for human exposure
C.I. Direct Black 80 8003-69-8NCI - carcinogenicity by dermal route - dermal absorption too low (1.3%) to support a study
Ethyl cyanoacrylate 7085-85-0NCI - reproductive and developmental toxicity
- neurotoxicity
- carcinogenicity
- stable aerosol cannot be generated
- rapidly polymerizes in presence of atmospheric moisture
Isoamyl acetate 123-92-2NIEHS - toxicity
- neurotoxicity
- carcinogenicity
- rapidly hydrolyzed in blood to isoamyl alcohol, which has been studied, and acetic acid
2,4,6-Tribromophenol 118-79-6NIEHS - carcinogenicity - low production and exposure
- little chance for bioaccumulation

Chemicals Deferred for Additional Information:

ChemicalCASRN Nomin. ByNominated For Rationale; Other Info.
3-Amino-5-mercapto- 1,2,4-triazole 16691-43-3 NIEHStoxicity; carcinogenicity - high production
- suspect chemical structure
Diethylamine 109-89-7NIEHS toxicity; carcinogenicity - high production and exposure
- very little toxicology data available
- not mutagenic in Salmonella
Isopropylamine 75-31-0NIEHS toxicity; carcinogenicity - high production and exposure
- very little toxicology data available
- not mutagenic in Salmonella
Triethylamine 121-44-8UAW; NIEHS carcinogenicity - high production and exposure
- not mutagenic in Salmonella