Center for Health Policy & Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research

News Highlights

January 29, 2009

Wise comments on California's pediatric care

CHP/PCOR core faculty member Paul Wise, a children's health expert, talks to the LA Times about California's diminishing pediatric care network. Read more »

October 24, 2008

Health Care Reform in 2009: Fuchs Offers Inconvenient Truths

As Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls advance solutions to reform U.S. health care, CHP/PCOR core faculty member Victor Fuchs offers three "inconvenient truths" that may serve as a starting point to address and inform health care policy. In a recent article published by the Commonwealth Fund, Fuchs asserts (1) that health care expenditures must be reduced; (2) that medical technology and interventions are largely responsible for cost increases; and (3) that universal coverage cannot be attained without subsidization and compulsion.

October 19, 2008

NY Times References Miller's Research on Economic Volatility and Health Outcomes

CHP/PCOR faculty member Grant Miller was mentioned in a recent article by the New York Times on the current recession and the societal changes that may occur. Scholars question whether the economic downturn will signify a rise in adverse health outcomes. According to some scholars, a downturn could potentially result in health benefits that are not measured by the market. The New York Times cited Miller's work on coffee price fluctuations and child survival in Colombia as an example. In a recent study, Miller found that infant and child mortality rates fell as coffee prices slumped, a result of parents having the ability to invest more time in taking care of their children. Read more »

October 13, 2008

CHP/PCOR conference brings entrepreneurs, industry leaders together to discuss innovation in health care reform

On September 16, 2008, the Center for Health Policy (CHP) and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (PCOR) hosted a unique conference at Stanford University, "Better Health, Lower Cost: Can Innovation Save Health Reform?" in honor of their 10th anniversary. +VIDEO+ +PDF+ +PPT+

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Event Calendar

February 4, 2009

February 11, 2009

February 18, 2009

February 25, 2009

March 4, 2009

March 11, 2009

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