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p-Synapsin I (Ser 553): sc-12913 Search  |  Datasheet
  • goat polyclonal IgG, 200 µg/ml; also available as rabbit IgG, 200 µg/ml, sc-12913-R
  • recommended for detection of Synapsin I of m, r and h origin phosphorylated at Ser 553 by WB, IP, IF and ELISA; also reactive with additional mammalian species, including cow
  • blocking peptide, sc-12913 P
Additional Synapsin Antibodies ...
Ordering Information Product Citations
Recommended Support Products:
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WB   IP   IF  
Species Gene Name Gene ID Chromosome Location Isoform (mRNA) Accession # Protein Accession # OMIM™ Number
Human SYN1 6853 Xp11.23 NM_006950, NM_133499 P17600
Mouse Syn1 20964 X A1.3 O88935
Ordering Information
Product Name Catalog # Unit Price Qty Wish List
p-Synapsin I (Ser 553) sc-12913 200 µg/ml $259
p-Synapsin I (Ser 553) P sc-12913 P
100 µg/0.5 ml $58
p-Synapsin I (Ser 553)-R sc-12913-R 200 µg/ml $259
WB Positive Control Cell Lysate (s) (click catalog # for product information)
Product Name Catalog # Unit Price Qty Wish List
rat cerebellum extract sc-2398 500 µg/200 µl $99
SK-N-SH + nocodazole Cell Lysate sc-2289 500 µg/200 µl $99

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p-Synapsin I (Ser 553) Product Citations
See how others have used p-Synapsin I (Ser 553): sc-12913 antibody and or p-Synapsin I (Ser 553) antibody conjugates.
Levy, M. et al. 2003. Mitochondrial Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 17727-17734. View PubMed Entry

p-Synapsin I (Ser 553) Data
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p-Synapsin I (Ser 553)-R: sc-12913-R. Western blot analysis of p-Synapsin I expression in SK-N-SH (A) and SK-N-SH + nocodazole (B) whole cell lysates.
p-Synapsin I (Ser 553): sc-12913. Western blot analysis of Synapsin I phosphorylation in rat cerebellum tissue extract.