Argonne National Laboratory ... for a brighter future U.S. Department of Energy
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC
Argonne materials scientist Mihaela Tanase observes a small magnetic disk with a transmission electron microscope  

New control of nanoscale 'magnetic tornadoes' holds promise for data storage

At the human scale, the tightly wrapped spinning columns of air in a tornado contain terrifying destructive power that ravages communities. At the nanoscale, however, closely coiled magnetic vortices hold the promise of a new generation of computers. More...



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Argonne scientists prove unconventional superconductivity in new iron arsenide compounds. More...

DOE program for teachers at Argonne National Laboratory transforms lesson plans. More...

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AAAS meeting to feature several Argonne speakers – More...

Photon science opens new frontiers in materials design, healthcare, imaging and basic science. More...

A Decade of Discovery – New web site highlights key DOE research and development in the last decade.

Available for licensing – Nanoporous catalytic membranes offer new potential for transportation, chemical and petroleum industries.

Applications are being sought for Director's Postdoctoral Fellowships. Deadline is March 31, 2009. More...

2009 Rube Goldberg teams to swap old light bulbs for new energy-efficient models. More...

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