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Superfund Basic Research Program

John P. Giesy

Michigan State University
22 Natural Resources Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-353-2000
Fax: 517-432-1699


Superfund Sites

Federal Marine Terminal

  • Michigan State University: Development of Novel Bioassay/Biomarker Systems for Detection of Estrogen Agonists in Complex Mixtures

LCP Chemicals Georgia

  • Michigan State University: Development of Novel Bioassay/Biomarker Systems for Detection of Estrogen Agonists in Complex Mixtures


  • Blankenship, Alan L., Klara Hilscherova, M. Nie, Katherine K. Coady, Sergio A. Villalobos, Kurunthachalam Kannan, D.C. Powell, Steven J. Bursian, and John P. Giesy. 2003. Mechanisms of TCDD-induced abnormalities and embryo lethality in white leghorn chickens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology. ( 15320456) Exit NIEHS Website 136(1):47-62.
  • Carr, James A., Burnella Gentles, Ernest E. Smith, Wanda L. Goleman, Lina J. Urquidi, Kerry Thuett, Ronald J. Kendall, John P. Giesy, Timothy S. Gross, Keith R. Solomon, and Glen Van Der Kraak. 2003. Response of larval Xenopus laevis to atrazine: Assessment of Growth, metamorphosis, and gonadal and laryngeal morphology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 22(2):396-405.
  • Giesy, John P., Erin M. Snyder, Krista M. Nichols, Shane A. Snyder, Sergio A. Villalobos, Paul D. Jones, and Scott D. Fitzgerald. 2003. Examination of reproductive endpoints in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed in situ to municipal sewage treatment plant effluent discharges in Michigan, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 22(10):2416-2431.
  • Hilscherova, Klara, Alan L. Blankenship, Kurunthachalam Kannan, M. Nie, Lisa L. Williams, Katherine K. Coady, Brad L. Upham, James E. Trosko, Steven J. Bursian, and John P. Giesy. 2003. Oxidative stress in laboratory-incubated double-crested cormorant eggs collected from the Great Lakes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. ( /00244/tocs.html) Exit NIEHS Website 45(4):533-546.
  • Hilscherova, Klara, Alan L. Blankenship, M. Nie, Katherine K. Coady, Brad L. Upham, James E. Trosko, and John P. Giesy. 2003. Oxidative stress in liver and brain of the hatchling chicken (Gallus domesticus) following in ovo injection with TCDD. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology. ( 15320456) Exit NIEHS Website 136(1):29-45.
  • Carr, James A., Burnella Gentles, Ernest E. Smith, Wanda L. Goleman, Ronald J. Kendall, John P. Giesy, Timothy S. Gross, Keith R. Solomon, and Glen Van Der Kraak. 2002. Response of developing frogs (Xenopus laevis) to atrazine: Assessment of gonadal and laryngeal morphology. In: Proceedings of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETC), 23rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. November 16 - 20.
  • Du Preez, Louis, Keith R. Solomon, A.M. Jooste, P.J. Jasen van Rensburg, Ernest E. Smith, James A. Carr, Ronald J. Kendall, John P. Giesy, Timothy S. Gross, and Glen Van Der Kraak. 2002. Exposure characterization and responses to field exposures of Xenopus laevis to atrazine and related triazines in South African corn growing regions. In: Proceedings of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETC), 23rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. November 16 - 20.
  • Gross, Timothy S., Carla M. Wieser, David S. Ruessler, James A. Carr, John P. Giesy, Alan J. Hosmer, Ronald J. Kendall, Ernest E. Smith, Keith R. Solomon, and Glen Van Der Kraak. 2002. Determination of potential effects of 20 day exposure of atrazine on endocrine function in adult largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides). In: Proceedings of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETC), 23rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. November 16 - 20.
  • Hu, Wenyue, Paul D. Jones, Brad L. Upham, James E. Trosko, Christopher Lau, and John P. Giesy. 2002. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by perfluorinated compounds in rat liver and dolphin kidney epithelial cell lines in vitro and Sprague-Dawley rats in vivo. Toxicological Sciences. ( Exit NIEHS Website 68(2):429-436.
  • Villeneuve, Daniel L., Jong Seong Khim, Kurunthachalam Kannan, and John P. Giesy. 2002. Relative potencies of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to induce dioxinlike and estrogenic responses in three cell lines. Environmental Toxicology. 17:128-137.
  • Villeneuve, Daniel L., Sergio A. Villalobos, Timothy L. Keith, Erin M. Snyder, Scott D. Fitzgerald, and John P. Giesy. 2002. Effects of waterborne exposure to 4-nonylphenol on plasma sex steroid and vitellogenin concentrations in sexually mature male carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere. ( 00456535) Exit NIEHS Website 47(1):15-28.
  • Miles-Richardson, S., Vincent J. Kramer, Scott D. Fitzgerald, J. Render, S. Barbee, and John P. Giesy. 1999. Effects of waterborne exposure of 17 beta-estradiol on secondary sex characteristics and gonads of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Aquatic Toxicology. ( 0166445X) Exit NIEHS Website 47(2):129-145.
  • Miles-Richardson, S., S.L. Pierens, Krista M. Nichols, Vincent J. Kramer, and John P. Giesy. 1999. Effects of Waterborne Exposure to 4-Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylate on Secondary Sex Characteristics and Gonads of Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 80(2):S122-S137.
  • Ankley, Gerald T., John P. Giesy, and Ronald J. Kendall. 1998. Weight of evidence. Chapter 16. In: Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruptors in Wildlife. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
  • Ankley, Gerald T., Ellen Mahaich, Ralph Stahl, Donald E. Tillitt, Theo Colborn, Susan McMaster, Ron Miller, John Bantle, Pamela Campbell, Nancy D. Denslow, Richard L. Dickerson, Leroy C. Folmar, Michael Fry, John P. Giesy, L. Earl Gray, Patrick D. Guiney, Thomas Hutchinson, Sean P. Kennedy, Vincent J. Kramer, Gerald LeBlank, Monte Mayes, Alison Nimrod, Reynaldo Patino, Richard Peterson, Richard Purdy, Robert Ringer, Peter Thomas, Les Touart, Glen Van Der Kraak, and Timothy R. Zacharewski. 1998. Overview of a workshop on screening methods for detecting potential (anti-) estrogenic/androgenic chemicals in wildlife. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 17(1):68-87.
  • Feyk, L.L. and John P. Giesy. 1998. Wildlife sentinels-xenoestrogen modulation of endocrine function in birds. Chapter 6. In: Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruptors in Wildlife. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
  • Giesy, John P. and Erin M. Snyder. 1998. Environmental endocrine disruption in fish: Weight of the evidence. Chapter 7. In: Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruptors in Wildlife. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
  • Kannan, Kurunthachalam, K.S. Guruge, N.J. Thomas, S. Tanabe, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Butyltin residues in southern sea otters found dead along California coastal waters. Environmental Science and Technology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 32(9):1169-1175.
  • Kannan, Kurunthachalam, H. Nakata, R. Stafford, G.R. Masson, S. Tanabe, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Bioaccumulation and toxic potential of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in biota collected at a superfund site contaminated with Aroclor 1268. Environmental Science and Technology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 32(9):1214-1221.
  • Kannan, Kurunthachalam, D.A. Villenueve, A.L. Blankenship, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Interaction of tributyltin with 3,3',4,4'5-pentachlorobiphenyl-induced ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity in rat hepatoma cells. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. ( 94.html) Exit NIEHS Website 55(5):373-384.
  • Kendall, J.J., Abraham Brouwer, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Wildlife conservation concerns and endocrine disruption in wildlife: A risk-based field and laboratory approach to assess effects. Chapter 1. In: Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruptors in Wildlife. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.
  • Klasson-Wehler, Eva, Ake Bergman, H. Auman, C. Summer, T. Murk, M. Van den Berg, Kurunthachalam Kannan, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Hydroxylated and methylsolfonyl PCBs in albatross from Midway Atoll, North Pacific Ocean. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 17(8):1620-1625.
  • Koistinen, J., R. Soimasuo, K. Tukia, A.L. Blankenship, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Induction of EROD activity in hepa-1 mouse hepatoma cells and estrogenicity in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by extracts of pulp mill effluents, biosludge, and sediment exposed effluents. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. ( t=t713653210) Exit NIEHS Website 17(8):1499-1507.
  • Kramer, Vincent J., S. Miles-Richardson, S.L. Pierens, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Reproductive impairment and induction of alkaline-labile phosphate, a biomarker of estrogen exposure, in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to waterborne 17 beta-estradiol. Aquatic Toxicology. ( 0166445X) Exit NIEHS Website 40(4):335-360.
  • Mousa, Mahmoud A., Patricia E. Ganey, John F. Quensen, Burra V. Madhukar, K. Chou, John P. Giesy, Lawrence Fischer, and Stephen A. Boyd. 1998. Altered biological activity of commercial PCB mixtures due to microbial reductive dechlorination. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds. pp.1-5.
  • Quensen, John F., Mahmoud A. Mousa, Stephen A. Boyd, J.T. Sanderson, K.L. Fruese, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Reduction in aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activity of polychlorinated biphenyl mixtures due to anaerobic microbial dechlorination. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 17(5):806-813.
  • Sanderson, J.T. and John P. Giesy. 1998. Functional response assays in wildlife toxicology. In: Encyclopedia of environmental analysis and remediation ( /0471117080/qid=1126058173/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_ 1/102-5267823-2464935?v=glance&s=books&n=5078 46) Exit NIEHS Website. Wiley-Interscience,
  • Sanderson, J.T., Sean W. Kennedy, and John P. Giesy. 1998. In vitro induction of ethoxyres orufin-O-deethylase and porphyrins by halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in avian primary hepatocytes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 17(10):2006-2018.
  • Snyder, S.S., D.A. Villenueve, S.L. Pierens, Krista M. Nichols, Erin M. Snyder, S. Miles-Richardson, A.L. Blankenship, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Monitoring for Complex Mixtures of Estrogen Agonists in the Aquatic Environment. In: Proceedings Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Villenueve, D.A., A.L. Blankenship, and John P. Giesy. 1998. Estrogen receptors-environmental xenobiotics. Chapter 5. In: Toxicant-Receptor Interactions and Modulation of Gene Expression. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Giesy, John P. 1997. Trends and implications of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Great Lakes. In: Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, MI.
  • Giesy, John P., D. Jude, Donald E. Tillitt, R.W. Gale, J.C. Meadows, J.L. Zajicek, P.H. Peterman, D. Verbrugge, and M.L. Tuchman. 1997. Polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins, -dibenzofurans and -biphenyls in fishes from Saginaw Bay, Michigan, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 16:713-724.
  • Giesy, John P., Vincent J. Kramer, Ake Bergman, and Eva Klasson-Wehler. 1997. Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl metabolites are anti-estrogenic in a stably transfected human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell line. In: Biotransformation in Environmental Risk Assessment. SETAC-Europe Press, Brussels, Belgium. pp.115-121.
  • Gray, L.Earl, William R. Klece, Tom Wiese, Rochelle Tyl, Kevin Gaido, Jon Cook, Gary Klinefelter, Daniel Desaulniers, Elizabeth Wilson, Timothy R. Zacharewski, Chris Waller, Paul Foster, John Laskey, Jerry Reel, John P. Giesy, Susan Laws, John A. McLachlan, William Breslin, Ralph Cooper, Richard T. Di Giulio, Rodney Johnson, Richard Purdy, Ellen Mihaich, Stephen H. Safe, Carlos Sonnenschein, Wade Welshons, Ron Miller, Susan McMaster, and Theo Colborn. 1997. Endocrine screening methods workshop report: Detection of estrogenic and androgenic hormonal and antihormonal activity for chemicals that act via receptor or steroidogenic enzyme mechanisms. Reproductive Toxicology. ( 08906238) Exit NIEHS Website 11(5):719-750.
  • Kannan, Kurunthachalam, S. Tanabe, and John P. Giesy. 1997. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in foodstuffs from Asian and oceanic countries: Contamination levels and dietary exposures. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 152:1-55.
  • Koistinen, J., J. Koivusaari, I. Nuuja, J. Paasivarta, and John P. Giesy. 1997. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents in extracts of Baltic White-Tailed Sea Eagles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 16:1533-1544.
  • Kramer, Vincent J., William G. Helferich, Ake Bergman, Eva Klasson-Wehler, and John P. Giesy. 1997. Hydroxylated PCB metabolites are anti-estrogenic in a stably transfected human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) cell line. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 144(2):363-376.
  • Murk, T., Juliette Legler, Michael S. Denison, John P. Giesy, C.J. van der Guchte, and Abraham Brouwer. 1997. Chemical-activated luciferase expression (CALUX): A novel in vitro bioassay for Ah-receptor active compounds in sediments and pore water. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. ( 02720590) Exit NIEHS Website 33:149-160.
  • Richter, C.A., John P. Giesy, V.L. Tieber, and Michael S. Denison. 1997. An in vitro Rainbow Trout cell bioassay for AhR-mediated toxins. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 16:543-550.
  • Sanderson, J.T., D.M. Janz, G.D. Bellward, and John P. Giesy. 1997. Effects of embryonic and adult exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on hepatic microsomal testosterone hydroxylase activities in Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 16:1304-1310.
  • Vethaak, D., S. Jobling, M. Waldock, P. Bjerregaard, R. Dickerson, John P. Giesy, D. Grothe, L. Karbe, Kelly R. Munkittrick, M. Schlumpf, and J. Sumpter. 1997. Approaches for the conduct of field surveys and toxicity identification and evaluation in identifying the hazards of endocrine modulating chemicals in wildlife. In: Proceedings of the SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)-Europe/OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) Expert Workshop on (Endocrine Modulators and Wildlife: Assessment and Testing) EMWAT. SETAC-Europe, Brussels, Belgium. pp.13-23.
  • Garrison, P.A., Kathryn Tullis, Jac MMJG Aarts, Abraham Brouwer, John P. Giesy, and Michael S. Denison. 1996. Species-specific Recombinant Cell Lines as Bioassay Systems for the Detection of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-like chemicals. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. ( 02720590) Exit NIEHS Website 30:194-203.
  • Garrison, P.M., Kathryn Tullis, Jac MMJG Aarts, Abraham Brouwer, John P. Giesy, and Michael S. Denison. 1996. Species-specific recombinant cell lines as bioassay systems for the detection of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-like chemicals. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. ( 02720590) Exit NIEHS Website 30(2):194-203.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Are Endocrine Disruptors Impacting Wildlife? A Review of the Evidence. In: Proceedings of the ILSI (International Life Sciences Institute ), Risk Science Institute, Brookings Institution and Society for Risk Analysis. Washington, DC.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Endocrine Modulation: Perspectives on Aquatic Exposure and Effects Testing. In: Proceedings of the Endocrine Modulators Forum at the 83rd Annual meeting of the Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Hydroxylated Polychlorinated Biphenyl Metabolites are Anti-estrogenic in a stably Transfected Human Breast Adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) Cell Line. In: Proceedings of the (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) SETAC-Europe workshop: Biotransformation in Ecological Risk Assessment. Noordwijerhout, Netherlands.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Monitoring for Complex Mixtures of Estrogen Agonists and Antagonists in Aquatic Environments. In: Proceedings of the University of Guelph Toxicology Students' Association 11th Annual Toxicology Symposium-- Endocrine Modulators: Are They Stealing Our Future?. Guelph, Canada.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Monitoring for Complex Mixtures of Estrogen Agonists in the Aquatic Environment: Development of Biomarkers and in vitro Assays and Determination of Effects in Fishes. Haskell Laboratories of the Dupont Corp, Newark, DE.
  • Giesy, John P. 1996. Principles for Assessing Effects on the Endocrine System: Field and Laboratory Research. In: Proceedings of a Scientific Panel Discussion on Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment. Kiawah Island, SC.
  • Koistinen, J., J.T. Sanderson, T. Nevalainen, J. Paasivarta, and John P. Giesy. 1996. Ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD) induction potency of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDE) in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 15:2028-2034.
  • Kramer, Vincent J., W.T. Helferisch, C. Bergman, and John P. Giesy. 1996. In vitro Estrogenicity and Anti-estrogenicity of Hydroxylated, Chlorinated Biphenyls in Human Brest Cancer Tumor (MCF-7) Cells. In: Proceedings of the Environmental Remediation and Toxicology Forum. Lansing, MI.
  • Murk, Albertinka J., Juliette Legler, Michael S. Denison, John P. Giesy, C.J. van der Guchte, and Abraham Brouwer. 1996. Chemical-activated Luciferase Gene Expression (CALUX): A Novel In Vitro Bioassay for Ah Receptor Active Compounds in Sediments and Pore Water. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. ( 02720590) Exit NIEHS Website 33(1):149-160.
  • Murk, T., Juliette Legler, Michael S. Denison, John P. Giesy, C.J. van der Guchte, and Abraham Brouwer. 1996. Chemical-activated Luciferase Expression (CALUX): a Novel in vitro Bioassay for Ah-Receptor Active Compounds in Sediments and Pore Water. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. ( 02720590) Exit NIEHS Website 33:149-160.
  • Sanderson, J.T., Jac MMJG Aarts, Abraham Brouwer, Kenneth L. Froese, Michael S. Denison, and John P. Giesy. 1996. Comparison of Ah Receptor-Mediated Luciferase and Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase Induction in H4IIE Cells: Implications for Their Use as Bioanalytical Tools for the Detection of Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 137(2):316-325.
  • Starodub, M.E., P.A. Miller, G.M. Ferguson, John P. Giesy, and R.F. Willis. 1996. The Use of Risk Assessment Techniques to Develop a Protocol for Determining Acceptable Concentrations of Bioaccumulative Chlorinated Organic Chemicals in Sediments for the Protection of Piscivorous Wildlife. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. ( t=t713653210) Exit NIEHS Website 54:243-259.
  • Kramer, Vincent J. and John P. Giesy. 1995. Environmental Estrogens: A Significant Risk?. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. ( 10807039) Exit NIEHS Website 1:37-42.
  • Newsted, J.L., John P. Giesy, Gerald T. Ankley, Donald E. Tillitt, R.A. Crawford, J.L. Gooch, Paul D. Jones, and Michael S. Denison. 1995. Development of toxic equivalency factors for PCB congeners and the assessment of TCDD and PCB mixtures in rainbow trout. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. ( =index-html) Exit NIEHS Website 14(5):861-871.
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