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DATE: December 19, 2008

NAME: Propsal 2009-03: Definition of Field 080 in the MARC 21 Authority Format

SOURCE: Biblioteca Nacional de España

SUMMARY: This paper proposes adding Field 080 to the MARC 21 Authority Format to contain a Universal Decimal Classification Number to be used for name, series and subject records.

KEYWORDS: Field 080 (AD); Universal Decimal Classification Number (AD); UDC


STATUS/COMMENTS: 12/19/08 - Made available to the MARC 21 community for discussion

Proposal 2009-03: Definition of Field 080 in the MARC 21 Authority Format


Most libraries in Spain have been using an adapted version of the MARC 21 bibliographic, authority and holdings formats called IBERMARC. The Biblioteca Nacional de España (National Library of Spain) is currently implementing a new ILS system and it had to convert its data into MARC 21. In its authority records, the Biblioteca Nacional de España includes the Universal Decimal Classification Number (UDC) for personal names, corporate bodies, series and in almost all subject records, since Spanish libraries use UDC for classification of bibliographic resources. Field 080 is defined in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format, but not in the MARC 21 Authority Format.


The MARC 21 Authority Format has several fields for classification numbers, which are used in authority records for various purposes. For instance, these fields may be used to indicate the classification number for a particular subject or person. In the Authority Format there are separate fields for different classification scheme numbers, mirroring much of what is in the MARC bibliographic format. Included are:

In the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format there are additional classification number fields available, including field 080 (Universal Decimal Classification Number), which is defined as follows:

In the authority format some classification fields have a field both for classification number and call number (i.e. call number includes the item part). In general call number fields have been used in the authority format for series authority records, where an item part is necessary (recorded in subfield $b), while classification number fields are used for subjects. In the case of UDC for MARC 21 authority records, the National Library of Spain prefers use of a single field. The field in the bibliographic format is defined as “Universal Decimal Classification Number”, although it has a $b for Item number, which would allow for a call number. In the bibliographic format some of these classification fields are called “call number”and others “classification”, but there is only one or the other defined.

In addition, the NLS would like to be able to indicate full abridged editions that are used in the classification number, as in the first indicator in field 082 (Dewey Classification Number). To keep the two fields in sync, field 080 in the bibliographic format could add a first indicator value as follows. Value blank would be included for existing records.


In the MARC 21 Authority Format, define field 080 (Universal Decimal Classification Number) as follows:

In the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format, add a first indicator value to field 080 as above.

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( 12/23/2008 )
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