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CCTS Errors


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The caBIG Clinical Trials Suite (CCTS) is an enterprise clinical trials system being designed primarily for use in trial sites. The suite is comprised of a collection of interoperable modules covering a broad range of key areas in cancer clinical trials management. These include patient registration via C3PR, patient scheduling via PSC, adverse events reporting via caAERS, lab analysis via LabViewer, and clinical data management via C3D. Integration between these applications is centered around five key scenarios: Study Creation, Register Subject, Load Labs in CDMS, Lab-driven AE Creation, and AE-Triggered Schedule Change. The implementation is based upon the caGrid infrastructure with caXchange as the Enterprise Service Bus for reliable message routing and GAARDS providing robust security.

This document is a work in progress used strictly for planning for the CCTS 2.0 release. Up until that release, it could be altered in any way.

Related Documentation

End User Technical CCTS Architecture Guide
Analysis Planning

Error Summary

Code Name Source Applications Brief Description
ERROR-001 StudySubjectNotFound C3PR The study subject was not found in the system

Detailed Errors

Code: ERROR-001
Name: StudySubjectNotFound
Source Applicaitons: C3PR
Description: The study subject referenced in the request was not found through a lookup of the study subject identifier. Therefore, the data was not able to be retrieved.
Causes: The subject was not entered into the system, the study subject identifier changed, or the subject was removed from the system.
Resolution: Enter the study subject into the system or change the referred identifiers
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