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Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program


The Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program (BCDSP) started in 1966 and conducted epidemiologic research to quantify the potential adverse effects of prescription drugs, utilizing in-hospital monitoring. The BCDSP also made a major contribution to the development and validation of the UK General Practice Research Database (GPRD). The BCDSP currently conducts pharmacoepidemiology studies using large automated patient databases.

The program does not appear to maintain any searchable databases.

Selected References


Kaye JA, Meier CR, Walker AM, Jick H. Statin use, hyperlipidaemia, and the risk of breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2002 May 6;86(9):1436-9.

Meier CR, Schmitz S, Jick H. Association between acetaminophen or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and risk of developing ovarian, breast, or colon cancer. Pharmacotherapy 2002 Mar;22(3):303-9.

Meier CR, Derby LE, Jick SS, Jick H. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and breast cancer. Arch Intern Med 2000 Feb 14;160(3):349-53.

Jick H, Jick S, Derby LE, Vasilakis C, Myers MW, Meier CR. Calcium-channel blockers and risk of cancer. Lancet 1997 Feb 22;349(9051):525-8.

Derby LE, Jick H. Acetaminophen and renal and bladder cancer. Epidemiology 1996 Jul;7(4):358-62.

Garcia-Rodriguez LA, Huerta-Alvarez C. Reduced risk of colorectal cancer among long-term users of aspirin and nonaspirin nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Epidemiology 2001 Jan;12(1):88-93.

Pedersen A. [The pill and cancer of the breast and cervix uteri] Ugeskr Laeger 1984 Apr 2;146(14):1063-6. Danish.

Amphetamines and malignant lymphoma. A report from the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program. JAMA 1974 Sep 9;229(11):1462-3.


Bradbury BD, Lash TL, Kaye JA, Jick SS. Tamoxifen-treated breast carcinoma patients and the risk of acute myocardial infarction and newly-diagnosed angina. Cancer 2005 Mar 15;103(6):1114-21.

Last modified:
12 May 2008
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