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McDermott reacts to Bush Administration proposed
BiOp plan for Northwest Salmon

For Immediate Release - September 9, 2004

"If the Bush Administration has its way, salmon runs will soon be defined as sales of canned salmon in supermarkets.

"After a year of study, the Bush Administration today released its proposed new BiOp, which ignores science and credibility for protecting salmon in the Pacific Northwest. For instance, the Administration wants dams to be considered part of the natural environment, just as this Administration considers pollution part of the natural environment. Soon, the Bush Administration will tell us that creation took an extra day and on the eighth day, God created dams."

"The Bush Administration was ordered by a federal court a year ago to develop a new plan to save and protect Northwest Salmon in the precious little time left before the danger of extinction overtakes failed policies. Salmon need free flowing water to survive, but today, the Administration released a plan to gut the Endangered Species Act protections for salmon.

"Every credible scientific study reaches the same conclusion: salmon recovery needs habitat restoration, and that means making water as free flowing as possible. Today's announcement proves again that the Administration is willing to replace science with fiction. This plan doesn't protect salmon and it is destined to put the entire issue back in court."

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