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                      Humanities:                                                                        The Magazine of the                                                        National Endowment for the Humanities
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Paul Chung.
Historian for Hire
Phil Cantelon of History Associates talks with NEH Chairman Bruce Cole about the profession outside the walls of academia.
The Utterly
Civilized Wilder
Despite global popularity, the enduring works of Thornton Wilder hold up to critical scrutiny.
By Jonathan Leaf
Lincoln the Great
Though he didn’t look that way at the time.
By Wilfred M. McClay
Lincoln’s Centennial
The year was marked by adulation.
By Anna Maria Gillis
The New Here
A visit with author and curator Sabiha Al Khemir.
By David Skinner
Dancing American
Jerome Robbins built a new style from classical and modern parts.
By Pia Catton
Around the Nation
In Focus
From fast times at Clairemont High to the California Humanities,
Ralph Lewin has always been fascinated with stories.
By Steven Winn
A special presidential installment
Who Said It?
A pop quiz on presidential love letters
Impertinent Questions
with William M. Reddy
Past issues of Humanities are archived online.
Subscribe to Humanities magazine here.