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Mechanisms of Cocaine Abuse and Toxicity

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 88 [Printed in 1988]

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Table of Contents


Pharmacological Effects of Cocaine Relevant to Its Abuse-----1
Robert L. Balster

Cocaine-Reinforced Behavior-----14
Michael J. Kuhar, Mary C. Ritz, and John Sharkey

Cocaine Receptors on Monoamine Transporters and Sodium Channels-----23
Maarten EA. Reith

Modulation of Cocaine Receptors-----44
lngeborg Hanbauer

Sensitization to Cocaine in the Nigrostriatal Dopamine System-----55
Nancy R. Zahniser, Joanna Peris, Linda P. Dwoskin, Pamela Curella, Robert P. Yasuda, Laurie O'Keefe, and Sally J. Boyson

The Interaction of Cocaine With Central Serotonergic Neuronal Systems: Cellular Electrophysiologic Approaches-----78
Joan M. Lakoski and Kathryn A. Cunningham

The Effects of Cocaine on Local Cerebral Metabolic Activity-----92
Linda J. Porrino and Conan Kornetsky

Behavioral Studies of the Reinforcing Properties of Cocaine-----107
Chris E. Johanson

Pharmacological Modifications of Cocaine and Opioid Self-Administration-----125
Gail Winger

Reinforcement Pathways for Cocaine-----137
George F. Koob and Carol B. Hubner

Multiple Dopamine Receptors and the Behavioral Effects of Cocaine-----160
W.L. Woolverton and M.S. Kleven

Neurobehavioral Pharmacology of Cocaine-----185
Steven I. Dworkin and James E. Smith

Intracranial Cocaine Self-Administration-----199
Nick E. Goeders

Psychomotor Stimulant vs. Local Anesthetic Effects of Cocaine: Role of Behavioral Sensitization and Kindling-----217
Robert M. Post and Susan R.B. Weiss

Genetic Differences in Responses to Cocaine-----239
Frank R. George and Steven R. Goldberg

Hepatotoxicity of Cocaine-----250
Louis Shuster, Christine A. Garhart, James Powers, Yona Grunfeld, and Gary Kanel

Lack of Toxic Effects of Cocaine on Dopamine or Serotonin Neurons in the Rat Brain-----276
Lewis S. Seiden and Mark S. Kleven

Developmental Effects of Cocaine-----290
Diana L. Dow-Edwards

Cardiovascular Toxicity of Cocaine-----304
R. Douglas Wilkerson

Arteriosclerotic Toxicity of Cocaine-----325
Ronald O. Langner, Collette L. Bement, and Lynda E. Perry

Mechanisms of Cocaine Abuse and Toxicity: An Overview-----337
Thomas K. Dunwiddie

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----354

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