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Cigarette Smoking as a Dependence Process

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 23 [Printed in 1979]

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Table of Contents

William Pollin

John M. Pinney

Chapter 1 Introduction-----1
Norman A. Krasnegor

Chapter 2 Smoking as an Addictive Disorder-----4
Jerome H. Jaffe and Maureen Kanzler

Chapter 3 Psychological Analysis of Establishment and Maintenance of the Smoking Habit-----24
Daniel Horn

Chapter 4 Cigarette Smoking as a precursor of Illicit Drug Use-----30
John A. O'Donnell

Chapter 5 Patterns of Tobacco Use in the United States-----44
Dorothy E. Green

Chapter 6 Nicotine as a Discriminative Stimulus to Behavior: Its Characterization and Relevance to Smoking Behavior-----58
John A. Rosecrans

Chapter 7 Nicotine Self-Administration in Rats-----70 H. M. Hanson, C. A. Ivester, and B. R. Morton

Chapter 8 The Effects of d-Amphetamine, Meprobamate, and Lobeline on the Cigarette Smoking Behavior of Normal Human Subjects-----91
C. R. Schuster, B. R. Lucchesi, and G. S. Emley

Chapter 9 Tobacco Dependence: Is Nicotine Rewarding or Aversive?-----100
M. A. H. Russell

Chapter 10 Regulation, Withdrawal, and Nicotine Addiction-----123
Stanley Schachter

Chapter 11 Acute and Chronic Effects of Nicotine in Rats and Evidence for a Noncholinergic Site of Action-----136
L. G. Abood, K. Lowy, and H. Booth

Chapter 12 Tolerance to the Effects of Tobacco-----150
Murray E. Jarvik

Chapter 13 The Tobacco Withdrawal Syndrome-----158
Saul M. Shiffman

Chapter 14 Implications and Directions for Future Research-----186
Norman A. Krasnegor

Participants in Symposium on Cigarette Smoking as a Dependence Process-----190

List of Monographs-----191

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