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Libraries for cluster Hs.709632

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Displaying 1 thru 66 of 66 items
Human Fat Cell 5'-Stretch Plus cDNA Libraryadipose tissuenormalbulkuncharacterized treatmentnormal, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, mixed pool by gender, adipose tissue
NCI_CGAP_AA1adrenal cortexcancerbulknon-normalizedadrenal cortex, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, Stratagene non-normalized, benign, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, adrenal adenoma
Human bone marrow, large insert, pCMV expression librarybone marrownormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentbone marrow, normal, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
Human optic nerve. Unnormalized (nbj)brainnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentnormal, adult, optic nerve, EST, plasmid vector, directionally cloned
NCI_CGAP_Brn23braincancerbulknormalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Brn64braincancerbulknon-normalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Brn66braincancerbulknon-normalizedbrain, glioblastoma multiforme, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_114brainnormalbulknormalizedbrain, normal, bulk, adult, normalized, full-length enriched, EST, LTI normalized, MGC, male, size fractionated, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_98braincancercell linenon-normalizedbrain, astrocytoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
normalized infant brain cDNAbrainnormalbulknormalizednormal, bulk, normalized, EST, Soares normalized, female, infant, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, whole brain, muscular atrophy
CHONS2cartilagenormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentcartilage, normal, uncharacterized preparation, EST, unknown developmental stage, chondrocyte
NCI_CGAP_Ct1cartilageuncharacterized histologybulknormalizedcartilage, bulk, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, osteoarthritis, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_DH0cartilagecancercell linenon-normalizedmetastasis, cartilage, non-normalized, chondrosarcoma, cell line, adult, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, MGC, plasmid vector
Homo sapiens HELA CELLS COT 25-NORMALIZEDcervixcancercell linenormalizedcervix, cell line, adult, normalized, EST, female, oligo-dT primed, cervical adenocarcinoma
Stratagene HeLa cell s3 937216cervixcancercell linenon-normalizedcervix, epithelium, non-normalized, cell line, adult, EST, female, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, cervical adenocarcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Co16coloncancerbulksubtractedcolon, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, colorectal cancer
NCI_CGAP_Co19coloncancerbulknormalizedmoderately differentiated, colon, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, LTI normalized, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, adenocarcinoma of the colon
NCI_CGAP_Co3coloncancerbulknormalizedcolon, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, colorectal cancer
NIH_MGC_15coloncancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, colon, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, adenocarcinoma of the colon
GRN_EBembryonic tissuenormalcell lineuncharacterized treatmentnormal, cell line, full-length enriched, EST, embryonic stem cell, embryonic tissue, H9, H1, H7, embryoid body, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_172embryonic tissuenormalcell linenon-normalizednormal, non-normalized, cell line, full-length enriched, EST, embryonic stem cell, MGC, embryonic tissue, male, unknown embryonic stage, H1, WA01, oligo-dT primed
Human keratoconus cornea, unamplified, (od/oe)eyeuncharacterized histologybulkuncharacterized treatmentcornea, bulk, adult, EST, plasmid vector, keratoconus
NIH_MGC_43eyenormalcell linenon-normalizedeye, normal, non-normalized, cell line, pigmented epithelium, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
UI-E-EJ0eyenormalbulksubtractedfetus, eye, normal, bulk, adult, subtracted, pigmented epithelium, EST, mixed developmental stages, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
Soares_fetal_heart_NbHH19Wheartnormalbulknormalizedfetus, heart, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Kid11kidneynormalbulkmultiple treatmentkidney, normal, bulk, normalized, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid
NCI_CGAP_Kid12kidneycancerbulksubtractedkidney, bulk, adult, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, clear cell renal carcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Kid5kidneycancerbulknormalizedkidney, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, clear cell renal carcinoma
NIH_MGC_14kidneycancercell linenon-normalizedkidney, renal cell carcinoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_45kidneycancercell linenon-normalizedkidney, renal cell carcinoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_75kidneynormalbulknon-normalizedkidney, normal, non-normalized, bulk, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Clontech non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector
NIH_MGC_100livercancercell linenon-normalizedliver, hepatocellular carcinoma, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_76livernormalbulknon-normalizedliver, normal, non-normalized, bulk, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Clontech non-normalized, size fractionated, plasmid vector
NCI_CGAP_FT0lunguncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationnon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, uncharacterized histology, adult, macrophage, CGAP, EST, Soares non-normalized, MGC, stress, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_FT1lunguncharacterized histologybulknormalizedlung, uncharacterized histology, bulk, adult, normalized, macrophage, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, MGC, stress, plasmid vector, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Lu19lungcancerbulknormalizedlung, poorly differentiated, bulk, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, lung squamous cell carcinoma
NCI_CGAP_Lu24lungcancerbulksubtractedlung, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, neuroendocrine lung carcinoid
NIH_MGC_101lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, lung squamous cell carcinoma
NIH_MGC_68lungcancercell linenon-normalizedlung, non-normalized, cell line, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, non-small cell lung cancer
Soares_fetal_lung_NbHL19Wlungnormalbulknormalizedfetus, lung, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Pan1pancreascancerbulknon-normalizedpancreas, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, pancreatic adenocarcinoma
NIH_MGC_110pancreascancercell linenon-normalizedpancreas, non-normalized, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed, pancreatic ductal carcinoma
Pancreatic Isletpancreatic isletnormalbulknon-normalizedpancreatic islet, normal, non-normalized, bulk, EST, unknown developmental stage, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_179pituitary glandnormalbulknon-normalizednormal, non-normalized, pituitary gland, bulk, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, MGC, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
Homo sapiens PLACENTA COT 25-NORMALIZEDplacentanormalbulknormalizednormal, placenta, bulk, pregnant, adult, normalized, EST, female, size fractionated, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Pl6placentanormalbulksubtractednormal, placenta, bulk, pregnant, adult, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, female, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_148placentanormalbulknormalizednormal, placenta, bulk, pregnant, adult, normalized, EST, MGC, female, size fractionated, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
Soares placenta Nb2HPplacentanormalbulknormalizednormal, placenta, bulk, adult, normalized, EST, female, oligo-dT primed
NIH_MGC_126pooled tissuenormalcell linenon-normalizedbrain, eye, skin, kidney, bladder, ovary, prostate, mammary gland, pharynx, lung, liver, normal, non-normalized, colon, salivary gland, cell line, intestine, natural killer cell, EST, unknown developmental stage, mixed tissue, MGC, size fractionated
Soares_NhHMPu_S1pooled tissuenormalbulksubtractedfetus, skin, uterus, heart, normal, melanocyte, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, mixed tissue, mixed developmental stages, phagemid
LNCAP + R1881 synthetic Androgen human prostate libraryprostatecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentprostate, cell line, adult, EST, male, prostate cancer, androgen
NIH_MGC_210prostatecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentprostate, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, male, size fractionated, plasmid vector, prostate cancer
Soares_senescent_fibroblasts_NbHSFskinnormalbulknormalizedskin, fibroblast, normal, bulk, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, unknown developmental stage, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
NCI_CGAP_Gas4stomachcancerbulknon-normalizedstomach, poorly differentiated, non-normalized, bulk, adult, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, gastric signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma
STOMA2stomachnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentstomach, normal, uncharacterized preparation, EST, unknown developmental stage
TESTI2testisnormaluncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmenttestis, normal, uncharacterized preparation, EST, unknown developmental stage, male
Full Length cDNA from the Mammalian Gene Collectionuncharacterized tissueuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentuncharacterized histology, full-length enriched, EST, unknown developmental stage, mixed tissue
NCI_CGAP_Sub4uncharacterized tissueuncharacterized histologybulksubtracteduncharacterized tissue, uncharacterized histology, bulk, subtracted, CGAP, EST, Soares subtracted, unknown developmental stage, phagemid
NIH_MGC_106uncharacterized tissuenormalcell linenon-normalizedblood, normal, non-normalized, cell line, natural killer cell, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, oligo-dT primed
NT2NE2uncharacterized tissuecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentuncharacterized preparation, cell line, adult, teratocarcinoma, EST, male, neuron
S2SNU668uncharacterized tissuecancercell lineuncharacterized treatmentmetastasis, cell line, adult, ascites, EST, plasmid vector, stomach cancer
S2SNU668s1uncharacterized tissuecancercell linesubtractedmetastasis, cell line, adult, subtracted, ascites, EST, plasmid vector, stomach cancer
NCI_CGAP_Ut4uteruscancerbulknon-normalizeduterus, high grade, non-normalized, bulk, CGAP, EST, LTI non-normalized, unknown developmental stage, female, size fractionated, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the uterus
NIH_MGC_44uteruscancercell linenon-normalizednon-normalized, endometrium, cell line, EST, unknown developmental stage, MGC, Rubin non-normalized, female, size fractionated, plasmid vector, directionally cloned, phagemid, oligo-dT primed, endometrial carcinoma
Soares_pregnant_uterus_NbHPUuterusnormalbulknormalizeduterus, normal, bulk, pregnant, adult, normalized, CGAP, EST, Soares normalized, female, phagemid, oligo-dT primed
UTERU2uterusuncharacterized histologyuncharacterized preparationuncharacterized treatmentuterus, uncharacterized histology, EST, unknown developmental stage, female

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