Lecture February 13,1989 18120 Address BY C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General Of the U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented to the Industrial College of the Armed Forces Washington, DC February 181989 This lecture is included in the archive largely to make the user aware of the fact that there is such a thing as the Industrial College of the Armed Forces formerly called the War College, and that an address given to that College will have repercussions throughout the all of the Armed Forces and especially at the interface of the Armed Forces with the civilian population in the jobs that the military does so well relying on both uniformed and non-uniformed personnel to get the job done. Such a lecture is also an opportunity that in an archive like this, referring to something like the Public Health Service, has to be repeated at least every year so that the user has an update on the situation in reference to health promotion, disease prevention, the surveillance of disease, the statistics of infectious disease, and the predictions for what might be due in the coming several years. A tremendous amount of material is covered in this lecture and I will not attempt to summarize it here. This lecture is directed to the concerns we all have about the health of young people in our society. Abusive drugs AIDS Advice to the military services Assessing the health of young people Basic guidelines to avoid HIV Discouraging examples of the 1985 survey Education in the promotion of health and prevention of disease Endurance Fitness ethic in American society General health of America's young people Heart activity High-risk behavior of young people 1 High-risk sexual behavior of young people Lack of change in fitness surveys Lack of coordination Lung capacity Muscle strength Overweight Physical, emotional and intellectual growth processes Physical fitness as an index of good health President's Council of Fitness and Sports Rejections rates of draftees and enlistees in World War II Role of the military in civilian fitness Sexually transmitted disease Specific diseases of young people Survey of Physical Fitness-1985 (6-l 7) Vaccine development and the health of young people President Eisenhower 2