Vol. 3 -- # 10 Remarks to the Ross Volunteers At the University of Texas Science Center Fifth Annual Robert E. Gross Symposium Dinner Houston, Texas February 19, 1983 (Volunteers were there as guests of The Brooks Foundation for Children, Inc.) These remarks were given to the Ross Volunteers at the request of Dr. Benjie Brooks, who was responsible for bringing together the three-day symposium on pediatric surgery on "The Injured Child". These remarks were an effort to lift the discussion of the injured child to a broader plain and to introduce the general concept of violence to this audience as being the umbrella under which the injured child usually falls. In addition to that, I also specifically spoke to the younger folk present at that gathering by addressing the values on which they will be building their lives and the values that hold meaning to them. I went into caring for our neighbor and specifically covered the aging population and the disabled or special needs population. The lecture began, as did the Robert E. Gross lecture given earlier the same day, but stopped on page four and launched into my broader concept of violence. The new material ended on what is here called page 12. The talk ended with the same ending of that used in the Robert E. Gross lecture. Accidents Causes of injury to children Disabilities Emergency Medical System Family abuse of children Heart disease Home care Hospital competition Life expectancy Murder on television Post treatment care Pediatric surgery Physical abuse of children Pre-injury treatment care Preventive medicine Sexual abuse Spinal ailment Support services Television American College of Surgeons "Early care of the injured patient" Glasgow coma scale Robert E. Gross Journal of Pediatric Surgery "Major Trauma Outcomes Study"