Curriculum Vitae C. EVERETT KOOP, M.D. July 1981 Home Address: Present Position: Social Security No.: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Marital Status: Education: 1123 Rock Creek Road Gladwyne, Pennsul vania 19035 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Department of Health and Human Services 7166 Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 October 14, i916 New York City, New York Married 1938 - Elizabeth Children: Allen Van Benschoten, 1944 Norman Apel, 1946 David Charles Everett, 1947-1968 Elizabeth Thompson, 1951 1937 A.B. Dartmouth College 1941 M.D. Cornell Medical School 1947 Sc.D. Graduate School of Medicine, University of PA (Med.) Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments: 1941-42 1942-47 1946 Faculty Appointments: 1942-44 1944-47 1946 1947-49 1949-51 1951-52 1952-59 1953-60 Intern in Medicine, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Harrison Fellow in General Surgery and Research Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Fellow in Pediatric Surgery, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA Assistant Instructor in Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Instructor in Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Fellow in Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital Associate in Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Surgerv, Pennsulvania School of Medicine University of Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery, University of PA School of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, University of PA School of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of PA 2 Faculty Appointments: 1959-81 Professor of Pediatric Surgery, University (Continued) of PA School of Medicine .1960-81 Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of PA 1976-81 Professor of Pediatrics, University of PA School of Medicine Hospital and Administrative Appointments: , 1947 1948-81 1958-63 1958-63 1963-78 1972-81 1973-74 2ecialty Certification: 1942 1948 1975 Licensure: Assistant Surgeon, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Surgeon-in-Chief, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia President, Active Staff, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia President, Exe .ttive Committee of the Medical Staff, The Ci;, Idren's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Surgical Consultant, U.S. Naval Hospital of Philadelphia Consultant in Surgery (Pediatrics), Pennsylvania Hospital President, Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners Diplomate, American Board of Surgery Special Competence in Pediatric Surgery, American Board of Surgery Pennsylvania New Jersey Awards, Honors and Membership in Honorary Societies: 1950 1971 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 Sigma Xi The Denis Browne Gold Medal presented by the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons Jacob D. Ehrenzeller Award, Ex-Residents Association of Pennsylvania Hospital; Philadelphia The Order Duarte, Sanchez, and Mella--The Dominion Republic's highest award presented by Joaquin Balaguer, President Distinguished Achievement Award presented by the Golden Slipper Club of Philadelphia Presbyterian Man of the Year Award--Presbyterian Social Union, Philadelphia Medical Achievers Award presented by Wheels, Inc., Philadelphia Super Achiever of the Year Award presented by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Fdn Drexel University Engineering and Science Day Award, Philadelphia The Man of the Year Award presented by the Jewish Community Chaplaincy Service Ladd Gold Medal of the American Academy of Pediatrics 3 Awards Honors and Membership in Honorary Societies: (Continued) 1977 Copernicus Medal, Surgical Society of Poland 1980 Chevalier, French Legion of Honor 1981 Gold Medal of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 1981 Medal of the City of Marseilles France Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies: National-International Societies American Surgical Association American Co1 lege of Surgeons (Fellow) American Academy of Pediatrics (Fe1 low) Society of University Surgeons British Association of Pae!;atric Surgeons (Council 1963-70) Pan American Medical Assoc tion, Inc. (President, Section on Pediatric Surgery 1964- ) International Society of Surgery Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinderchirurgie American Pediatric Surgical Association (President, 1971-72) Marseille Surgical Society College of Surgeons of the Dominican Republic Local Societies: - College of Physicians of Philadelphia (Fellow) Philadelphia Academy of Surgery Philadelphia County Medical Society Philadelphia Pediatric Society Philadelphia Physiological Society Edi torial Positions: 1961-64 Surgery Editor, Journal of Clinical Pediatrics 1964~76 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1964- Editorial Board, Zeitshrift fur Kinderchirurgie and Grenzgebi ete 1970- Editorial Consultant, Japanese Journal of Pediatric Surgery and Medicine Committee Memberships: National: State: Local: Cancer Corrmitte; American Academy of Pediatrics Accident Prevention Con-rnittee, American Academy of Pediatrics Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons, Committee on Patient Care and Research Surgical Steering Committee, Children's Cancer Study Group Cancer Committee; American Pediatric Surgical Association Arbitration Panel for Health Care, Commonwealth of PA Member of Board for "Health, Occupation, Career and Placement office, Inc. . Committee on Medicine and Religion, Philadelphia County Medical Society 4 . Honorary Degrees: . 1960 1968 1968 1978 1979 1979 1980 Eastern Baptist College, 1L.D. University of Liverpool, Degree Doctor of Medicine Wheaton College, Doctor of Humane Letters Gwynedd-Mercy College, Doctor of Medical Science Washington and Jefferson College, Degree Doctor of Science Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Degree Doctor of Laws Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Doctor of Humane Letters