"I've always considered myself to be a very healthy person. I exercise regularly, I don't smoke, and I'm not overweight. So when I found out six months ago that I have high cholesterol, it came as a surprise. After my doctor's appointment, I wanted to learn as much as I could about high cholesterol. I started doing research and reading everything I could get my hands on. I learned that my high cholesterol put me at risk for heart disease. No one in my family has had heart disease, but my mom does have a history of high blood pressure, so I've started making changes.
The main difference has been my diet. I'm making an effort to avoid foods with lots of saturated fat and cholesterol. I am eating less red meat and more fish. I know that my daily walks are important. I am more conscious about my health, which is something I used to take for granted.
I'm really trying to take care of myself and my family. My husband found out that he has high cholesterol too, so we're both trying to make changes in our lives. It helps having each other there for support."