February 23, 2007

A Word from Zach Wamp

Reforming immigration

Immigration is going to be one of the most important issues and contentious debates of the 110th Congress. There is concern among House Republicans that this will be a case where the Democrats will propose legislation that the President will sign, which will include a path to citizenship or amnesty for the 12-14 million illegal immigrants who are already here. We do not need the Democrats’ idea of a “comprehensive” immigration solution. We need responsible immigration reform that makes national security and the rule of law into priorities.

The first element of our plan must be border security. Since the Republican Congress passed the border security bill last year, the borders are less porous and “catch and release” has become “catch and return.” Still there are problems with the incomplete security fence of today. For example, the sealed border in San Diego has deterred illegals from entering there, but the unsealed border in other areas means they just have to try a little harder. Securing the border will stop the flow of illegals into this country and will make sure we are safe from terrorists using our borders to bring weapons in. There is a long way to go for complete immigration reform, but securing the border is the only logical place to start.

Next, there needs to be new rules enacted for guest workers without including amnesty for those who knowingly chose to ignore and thereby violate U.S. law. There are many benefits immigrant workers give to agriculture and commerce and that needs to be taken seriously. Guest worker rules, though, can in no way include a fast track to becoming a citizen. If granted any type of amnesty, we are sending a message that only certain laws will be enforced. We are a nation of laws and to ignore those laws is un-American.

The third step in this process is interior enforcement. Employers need to be diligently keeping track of the status of their employees. The government should issue new social security cards to Americans that cannot be counterfeit and new temporary worker identification cards to help these employers from committing crimes. Issuing seasonal worker ID’s will tell the government who is here and what they are doing much more accurately. If the rules are properly enforced, there can be much value added to our economy and our workforce.

America is a country of immigrants. Our parents and grandparents came here seeking freedom and a better life. We must be in favor of immigration as long as it is done to the American standard and adheres to our legal system. People wait in line for a long time to become part of our great nation and we encourage them to do so. Allowing those who came here illegally to be granted the same status as those who waited and went through the process is wrong. Border security, new rules for guest workers and interior enforcement would contribute to an immigration policy that is viable, workable and fair.


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