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2000 - Angeline Andrew, Dartmouth College

Superfund Basic Research Program

2000 Karen Wetterhahn Memorial Award Recipient

Angeline Andrew, a doctoral student in Dartmouth Medical School's Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, was the recipient of the 2000 Karen Wetterhahn Memorial Award. Dr. Andrew was honored at the December 2000 Superfund Basic Research Program Annual Meeting in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She was recognized for her outstanding contributions as a young scientist in the field of metals research.

angeline andrew photoDr. Andrew earned a B.S. in Biology/Environmental Science from Tufts University and completed her Ph.D. program in the Spring of 2001. Her thesis research focused on the underlying cellular, biochemical, and molecular processes leading to lung diseases associated with nickel exposure. The goal of this research was to aid the development of useful biomarkers for nickel effects and to increase our understanding of mechanisms for nickel-induced disease, leading to more effective prevention and treatment approaches. Her thesis advisor, Dr. Aaron Barchowsky, stated that because of her understanding of molecular mechanisms and broad knowledge of environmental concerns, he has no doubt that Angeline will become a stellar environmental toxicologist and make significant contributions to improving public health.

Dr. Andrew went on to win a post-doctoral fellowship in molecular epidemiology sponsored by the American Society for Preventive Oncology / Cancer Research Foundation of America. “Inspired by my interactions with epidemiology researchers through the interdisciplinary Toxic Metals Research Program Project and the Center for Environmental Health Sciences, I became increasingly interested in investigating chronic exposure and disease issues in the context of human populations,” Dr. Andrew stated.

She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Community and Family Medicine Department at Dartmouth medical school specializing in molecular epidemiology.  In 2005, she received an NCI K07 career development grant to study how genetic and environmental factors interact to impact bladder cancer prognosis.  She also leads the Dartmouth SBRP Biomarkers / Bioinformatics shared resource.  Her laboratory investigates mechanisms of arsenic carcinogenesis using both cultured cells and samples from exposed populations.

Dr. Andrew wishes to thank the NIEHS for the training support and inter-disciplinary research opportunities that have enabled her to forge a career translating molecular toxicology into human populations.  Her goal is to understand how to use exposure biomarkers as effective molecular diagnostic tools to guide patient care.

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