NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
July 20, 2004 • Volume 1 / Number 29 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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FDA To Establish New Cancer Office

Director's Update
The Tumor Microenvironment: Providing Important Clues to Metastasis

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Prostate, Colorectal Screening Rates Affected by Numerous Factors

Cancer Research Highlights
Combined Radiation and Vaccine Therapy Can Halt Tumor Proliferation

Smoking Affects Genes in Bronchial Cells

Dairy and Colorectal Cancer

Endothelial Cells May Provide Insight into Angiogenesis

Improving Detection for Ovarian Cancer

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Immunotherapy for Non-Responsive Solid Tumors

Dr. von Eschenbach Presents Grand Rounds Lecture

Defeating Cancer through Prevention and Early Detection

Vonderhaar Presents Cserr Lecture

Mouse Model Consortium Committee Meets to Set Priorities

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Funding Opportunities

Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer

Letter of Intent Receipt Date: Oct. 15, 2004
Application Receipt Date: Nov. 16, 2004

NCI invites center grant applications to establish the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC) Centers in nutrition, energetics, energy balance, and physical activity. These Centers will involve scientists from multiple disciplines and will encompass projects spanning the biology and genetics of behavioral, sociocultural, and environmental influences on nutrition, physical activity, weight, energy balance, and energetics.

The RFA will use the U54 NIH cooperative agreement award mechanism.

For more information see Inquiries: Dr. Linda Nebeling,

TREC Coordination Center

Letter of Intent Receipt Date: Oct. 15, 2004
Application Receipt Date: Nov. 16, 2004

The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, NCI, invites applications for cooperative agreements to support the establishment of a Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC) Coordination Center. This Coordination Center will support the TREC Centers, which focus upon the research areas of nutrition, energetics, energy balance, and physical activity. The primary missions of the Coordination Center is to foster collaborations among transdisciplinary teams of scientists, to facilitate data analyses, to examine common research questions across sites, to coordinate and facilitate semi-annual meetings of the TREC Centers, to develop training modules, and to evaluate progress.

The RFA will use the U01 NIH cooperative agreement award mechanism.

For more information see Inquiries: Dr. Linda Nebeling,

NCI will hold a pre-application phone conference to which all prospective applicants for RFA-CA-05-010 and RFA-CA-05-011 are invited. For more information, go to

Supplements To Promote Reentry Into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers

Application Receipt Dates: Jul. 8, 2005;
Jul. 8, 2006; Jul. 8, 2007

The participating institutes and centers of the NIH along with the Office of Research on Women's Health announces a continuing program for administrative supplements to research grants to support individuals with high potential to reenter an active research career after taking time off to care for children or attend to other family responsibilities. It is anticipated that at the completion of the supplement, the reentry scientist will be in a position to apply for a career development (K) award, a research award, or some other form of independent research support.

The following active NIH award mechanisms at domestic institutions are eligible: R01, R10, R18, R24, R35, R37, P01, P40, P41, P50, P51, U54, P60, U01, and U10.

For more information see Inquiries: Bobby Rosenfeld,

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health