Public Health

Report on Carcinogens


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(CAS# 98-95-3)

  • Primary Uses or Exposures: Most nitrobenzene (97%) is used in the manufacture of aniline. Miscellaneous uses include the manufacture of benzidine, quinoline, azobenzene, pyroxylin compounds, isocyanates, pesticides, rubber chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and dyes such as nigrosines and magenta. Nitrobenzene is found in soaps and shoe and metal polishes and is used as a solvent for cellulose ester, in modifying esterification of cellulose acetate, and in refining lubricating oils. Nitrobenzene also is used as a solvent in petroleum refining and the synthesis of other organic compounds, such as acetaminophen.
  • Nominated by: NIEHS
  • Basis for Nomination: IARC1 classification as probably carcinogenic to humans based on sufficient evidence in experimental animals
  • Current Status: Listed in the RoC as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen since the 11th RoC (2004)

1 International Agency For Research On Cancer (IARC)