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Nurse, Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational
Summary Job Description Education Skills, Abilities and Interests More Information

ActivitiesCare for ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled people in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, private homes, group homes, and similar institutions. May work under the supervision of a registered nurse. Must have a nursing license.

OutlookAverage job growth

Median Income$36,550 in May 2006

Work Context & ConditionsMost licensed practical nurses in hospitals and nursing homes work a 40-hour week, usually wearing a special uniform. Because patients need round-the-clock care, some L.P.N.s work nights, weekends, and holidays. They often stand for long periods and help patients move in bed, stand, or walk.

Minimum Education RequirementsTechnical Program

SkillsSocial Perceptiveness, Learning Strategies, Monitoring, Management of Personnel Resources, Critical Thinking, Instructing, Active Listening, Writing, Service Orientation, Time Management, Troubleshooting, Mathematics, Active Learning, Complex Problem Solving, Judgment and Decision Making, Operation Monitoring, Coordination, Reading Comprehension, Speaking, Science

AbilitiesOral Expression, Deductive Reasoning, Problem Sensitivity, Inductive Reasoning, Oral Comprehension