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Katherine L., ALAT, Veterinary Technician, Office of Research Services, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Katherine L., ALAT, Veterinary Technician, Office of Research Services, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Veterinary Technologist and Technician

Meet a real Veterinary Technologist and Technician, Katherine L

1. I chose this career because...

2. My typical workday involves...

3. What I like best/least about my work...

4. My career goals are...

5. When I'm not working, I like to...

1. I chose this career because...

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Katherine L. stands outside the animal care facility.
Katherine L. stands outside the animal care facility.

I chose to become a veterinary technician, because I have always loved animals ever since I was a toddler. I was raised on a mini-farm, and we had chickens, goats, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, and horses. They were all my friends. Dr. Donna Brown, a traveling veterinarian, inspired me. She came to our house to give the animals immunizations and to provide health care when they were ill. She used to let me help her. These early experiences inspired me to pursue a career in the field. Now I am a Virginia board licensed veterinary technician.

  • Associate Degree in Applied Science for Veterinary Technician, Northern Virginia Community College, Sterling, Virginia
  • Licensed Veterinarian Technician - Virginia State Board Certified

2. My typical workday involves...

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Katherine L. demonstrates the electrocardiogram (EKG) machine that she uses to monitor animal health.
Katherine L. demonstrates the electrocardiogram (EKG) machine that she uses to monitor animal health.

My typical workday begins at 6:00 AM when I walk through the facility to do health checks on all the animals.

My major tasks are to:
  • Preparing animals for transport between buildings
  • Monitoring animals during transport
  • Feeding animals that are on special diets
  • Treating animals who are ill, under supervision of a veterinarian
  • Taking vital signs (temperature, pulse, and respiration)
  • Monitoring animal health, such as performing electrocardiograms, when necessary
  • Documenting all animal care

At the end of my shift, I update the technicians that are working the next shift about the health and care of the animals, and notify them of any changes.

Equipment I use on the job
  • Stethoscope – a device used to listen to an animal's heartbeat and breathing
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG) – a device used to observe and record heart activity
  • Pulse Oximeter – a device that monitors the pulse and saturated oxygen in the blood
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) – steel toe shoes, latex gloves, scrubs, lab coat, face mask, and hair bonnet.

3. What I like best/least about my work...

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Katherine L. reviews paperwork at her desk.
Katherine L. reviews paperwork at her desk.

What I like best about my work is the good feeling I have being part of a team working to find cures for diseases affecting both animals and people.

What I like least about my work is the amount of required paperwork I must do.

4. My career goals are...

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My current career goal is to obtain my Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT) certification. My future goal is to obtain the next level of certification and become a Laboratory Animal Technologist (LATG). Presently, I am certified as an Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician (ALAT) from an accredited association called American Association for Laboratory Animal Science.

5. When I'm not working, I like to...

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When I’m not working, I like to hang out with my own animals, a dog and two cats. I also enjoy watching movies, and traveling with my family and friends.

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