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Vaccine Research Center (VRC)

Journal Publications, 2001

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Journal of Immunology
Evidence for increased T cell turnover and decreased thymic output in HIV infection
Douek DC, Betts MR, Hill BJ, Little SJ, Lempicki R, Metcalf JA, Casazza J, Yoder C, Adelsberger JW, Stevens RA, Baseler MW, Keiser P, Richman DD, Davey RT, Koup RA.
J Immunol. 2001 Dec 1;167(11):6663-8

Journal of Virology
Analysis of total human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses: relationship to viral load in untreated HIV infection.
Betts MR, Ambrozak DR, Douek DC, Bonhoeffer S, Brenchley JM, Casazza JP, Koup RA, Picker LJ.
J Virol. 75(24):11983-91

Compensation is not dependent on signal intensity nor on the number of parameters (letter)
Roederer, M. (2001).
Cytometry. 46, 357.

Increased CD95/Fas-Induced Apoptosis of HIV-Specific CD8+ T Cells (Non-government)
Mueller, Y. M., Hutton, J. A., Rosa, S. D., Roederer, M., Witek, J., Altman, J. D. and Katsikis, P. D. (2001).
Immunity. 15, 871-882.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Human Dendritic Cells as Targets of Dengue Virus Infection (Non-government)
Marovich, MM, Grouard-Vogel G, Louder M, Eller M, Sun W, Birx D, Hayes C, Frankel S and Mascola JR.
J Invest Derm. 2001;6(3):219-24.


Immunology Letters
Monitoring HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses by intracellular cytokine production.
Betts MR, Casazza JP, Koup RA.
Immunol Lett. 79:117-125.


Spectral compensation for flow cytometry: visualization artifacts, limitations and caveats
Roederer, M. (2001).
Cytometry. 45, 194-205.

HIV-1 actively replicates in naive CD4+ T cells residing within human lymphoid tissues
Eckstein, D. A., Penn, M. L., Korin, Y. D., Scripture-Adams, D. D., Zack, J. A., Kreisberg, M. P., Roederer, M., Sherman, M. P., Chin, P. S. and Goldsmith, M. A. (2001).
Immunity. 15, 671-82.

Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Vdelta1 and Vdelta2 gammadelta T cells express distinct surface markers and might be developmentally distinct lineages
DeRosa, S., Mitra, D., Watanabe, N., Herzenberg, L. A., Herzenberg, L. A. and Roederer, M. (2001).
J. Leuk. Biol. 70, 518-26.


Poor CD4+ T cell restoration after suppression of HIV-1 replication may reflect lower thymic function
Teixeira L, H Valdez, JM McCune, RA Koup, AD Badley, MK Hellerstein, LA Napolitano, DC Douek, G Mbisa, S Deeks, JM Harris, JD Barbour, BH Gross, IR Francis, R Halvorsen, R Asaad, and MM Lederman
AIDS. 15 (14):1749-1756

National Academy of Sciences
Naive CD4 T cells inhibit CD28-costimulated R5-tropic HIV replication in memory CD4 T cells
Mengozzi, M., Malipatlolla, M., De Rosa, S. C., Herzenberg, L. A., Herzenberg, L. A. and Roederer, M. (2001).
Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA 98, 11644-9.

Adaptation to blockade of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 entry imposed by the anti-CCR5 MAb 2D7
Aarons EJ, SA Beddows, T Willingham, L Wu, and RA Koup
Virology. 287 (2) :382-390


Current Opinion in Immunology
Vaccines for the prevention of HIV-1 disease
Mascola JR, Nabel GJ.
Curr Opin Immunol. 2001 Aug;13(4):489-95

Frequency Difference Gating: A Multivariate Method for Identifying Subsets that Differ Between Samples
Roederer, M. and Hardy, R. R. (2001).
Cytometry. 45, 56-64.

Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Multivariate Distribution Differences
Roederer, M., Moore, W., Treister, A. S., Hardy, R. R. and Herzenberg, L. A. (2001).
Cytometry. 45, 47-55.

Probability Binning Comparison: A Metric for Quantitating Univariate Distribution Differences
Roederer, M., Treister, A., Moore, W. and Herzenberg, L. A. (2001).
Cytometry. 45, 37-46.

PE-APC: A Resonance Energy Transfer Fluorochrome for Immunofluorescence
Tjioe, I., Legerton, T., Wegstein, J., Herzenberg, L. A. and Roederer, M. (2001).
Cytometry. 44, 24-9.

Journal of Infectious Diseases
Immune interaction between respiratory syncytial virus infection and allergen-sensitization critically depends on timing of challenges
Peebles RS, Hashimoto K, Collins RD, Jarzecka K, Furlong J, Mitchell DB, Sheller JR, Graham BS.
Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2001; 184: 1374-1379.


Journal of Virology
Decay kinetics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-specific CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy
Casazza JP, MR Betts, LJ Picker, and RA Koup
J. Virol. 75 (14): 6508-6516


Journal of Infectious Diseases
RANTES production from CD4+ lymphocytes correlates with host genotype and rates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 disease progression
Paxton WA, AU Neuman, S Kang, L Deutch, RC Brown, RA Koup, and SM Wolinsky.
J. Infect. Dis. 183 (11):1678-1681

Nature Medicine
Heme oxygenase-1 protects against vascular constriction and proliferation
Duckers HJ, Boehm M, True AL, Yet SF, San H, Park JL, Clinton Webb R, Lee ME,Nabel GJ, Nabel EG
Nat. Med. 7(6):693-698

Respiratory Research
Viruses, dendritic cells, and the lung
Peebles RS, Graham BS
Respiratory Research. 2001; 2:245-249.


Phycoerythrin-allophycocyanin: a resonance energy transfer fluorochrome for immunofluorescence
Tjioe I, Legerton T, Wegstein J, Herzenberg LA, Roederer M.
Cytometry. 44(1):24-9

Journal of Virology
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific immunity after genetic immunization is enhanced by modification of Gag and Pol expression
Huang Y, Kong WP, Nabel GJ.
J Virol. 2001 May;75(10):4947-51

Molecular Therapy
Coexpression of guanylate kinase with thymidine kinase enhances prodrug cell killing in vitro and suppresses vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in vivo
Akyurek LM, Nallamshetty S, Aoki K, San H, Yang ZY, Nabel GJ, Nabel EG.
Mol. Ther. 2001 3(5 Pt. 1):779-786


Challenges and opportunities for development of an AIDS vaccine
Gary J. Nabel
Nature. Vol 410, 19 April 2001

Nature Immunology
Extracellular matrix interacts with soluble CD95L: retention and enhancement of cytotoxicity
Aoki K, Kurooka M, Chen JJ, Petryniak J, Nabel EG, Nabel GJ
Nat Immunol. 2001 Apr; 2(4): 333-7

Nature Medicine
A new latent HIV reservoir
Koup RA
Nat Med. (4):404-5


Factors affecting thymic function after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Weinberg K, Blazar BR, Wagner JE, Agura E, Hill BJ, Smogorzewska M, Koup RA, Betts MR, Collins RH, Douek DC.
Blood. 97 (5):1458-1466

Viral Immunology
Direct functional analysis of epitope-specific CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood
He, X. S., Rehermann, B., Boisvert, J., Mumm, J., Maecker, H. T., Roederer, M., Wright, T. L., Maino, V. C., Davis, M. M. and Greenberg, H. B. (2001).
Viral Immunol. 14, 59-69.


Clinical Laboratory Medicine
11-color Flow Cytometry: a Powerful Tool for Elucidation of the Complex Immune System
DeRosa, S. and Roederer, M. (2001).
Clinical Laboratory Medicine. 2001; 21:697-712

Journal of Immunology
Effect of thymectomy on human peripheral blood T cell pools in Myasthenia
Sempowski GD, JR Thomasch, ME Gooding, LP Hale, LJ Edwards, E Ciafaloni, DB Sanders, JM Massey, DC Douek, RA Koup, and BF Haynes Gravis.
J. Immunol. 166 (4) :2808-2817

Nature Medicine
11 color, 13 parameter Flow Cytometry: Identification of human naive T cells by phenotype, function, and T cell receptor diversity
DeRosa, S. C., Herzenberg, L. A., Herzenberg, L. A. and Roederer, M. (2001).
Nature Medicine. 7, 245-8.


Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs
Vaccines: Ideal drugs for the 21st Century?
Rappuoli R, Nabel GJ
Curr. Op. Invest. Drugs. 2001 2(1):45-46

Direct Measurement of CD4+ and CD8+ T Cell Responses to CMV in HIV-1-Infected Subjects
Komanduri, K. V., Donahoe, S. M., Schmidt, D. K., Gillespie, G., Ogg, G. S., Roederer, M., Nixon, D. F. and McCune, J. M. (2001).
Virology. 279, 459-70.

2001 Annual Review
Trans Am Clin Climatol - 2001
The Gordon Wilson lecture: viruses and human disease
Nabel GJ
Trans. Am. Clin. Climatol. Assoc. 112:79-84

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The Quest for an Effective HIV Vaccine Presents New Possibilities, Challenges
May 16, 2007

Statement of Margaret I. Johnston, Ph.D., Gary J. Nabel, M.D., Ph.D., and Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 14, 2007

Scientists Unveil Piece of HIV Protein that May Be Key to AIDS Vaccine Development
Feb. 14, 2007

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The Quest for an Effective HIV Vaccine Presents New Possibilities, Challenges
May 16, 2007

Statement of Margaret I. Johnston, Ph.D., Gary J. Nabel, M.D., Ph.D., and Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 14, 2007

Scientists Unveil Piece of HIV Protein that May Be Key to AIDS Vaccine Development
Feb. 14, 2007

Learn how to become a VRC Clinical Trials volunteer