RELEASE DATE:  June 17, 2003

NOTICE:  NOT-NS-03-019

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) 
announces an administrative supplement program to facilitate 
collaborative research on the mechanisms of damage and recovery after 
traumatic brain injury (TBI).  The program is intended to facilitate 
collaboration between investigators with ongoing, peer-reviewed 
projects that address TBI with investigators with primary research 
interests in neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative disorders, 
ischemic brain injury, brain damage after global ischemia, trauma to 
the spinal cord, or brain injury that results from exposure to 
environmental toxins or drugs of abuse.  The supplements are intended 
to support the exchange of information, animal models, personnel, 
training, or reagents among laboratories.  A total of $500,000 in 
Fiscal Year 2004 will be made available for this program.

TBI involves many cellular mechanisms and time windows for damage and 
recovery, and several animal models have been developed that address 
treatment in the acute phases of injury.  Data are beginning to 
accumulate from various projects on brain disorders indicating that 
common mechanisms of damage or approaches to treatment exist.  In 
addition, expression of genes and/or proteins that change during 
development or aging may be mimicked in models of neurodegenerative 
disorders or after ischemic or traumatic injury.  Long-term 
consequences of alterations in expression or posttranslational 
modification may affect the functional anatomy of the brain in many 
injury paradigms. New strategies for intervention may emerge if we 
encourage collaborations among researchers across disciplines of 
induced injury, degeneration, and developmental disorders.

Evidence should be presented that the results of the supplemental 
assistance will significantly enhance the pursuit of Specific Aims of 
the participating research project in TBI and bring new approaches to 
the problems addressed by the research.  Descriptions should be 
concise, but sufficiently detailed to make clear the collaborative 
research plan and the relationship of the results of the proposed 
experiments to the goals of the original project.


Principal Investigators (PIs) with Research Project (R01), Program 
Project (P01), and Research Center (P50) grants funded by NINDS are 
eligible to apply.  To be eligible, projects must be funded in Fiscal 
Year 2004 and have at least one additional year of funding remaining.  
At least one of the laboratories participating in each collaboration 
must have a primary research interest in traumatic injury to the adult 


An original and five copies of the supplement application should be 
sent by mail or courier to the NINDS program staff contact listed at 
the end of this notice.  The application packet should include:

1) A cover page citing this NOTICE (line 2) and requesting an 
administrative supplement for collaborative research.  The PI and the 
institutional official must sign the cover page. For P01s and P50s, the 
PI of the program project or center must submit the request for a 
supplement; however, the investigator(s) participating in the 
supplement research project should be named and submit biographical 

2) A concise (5-8 pages) description of the proposed project, including 
an Abstract, a Description of the proposed experiments and their 
relationship to the goals of the original project, a discussion of the 
Significance of the results, and Plans for sharing data.

3) Letter(s) of support and agreement from all collaborators.  

4) Biographical Sketches of the PIs participating in the collaboration.

5) Specific Aims from the original grant.

6) A modular Budget with justifications.


A one-page report that specifically addresses the results of the 
supplement will be required.  It should be included as an addition to 
the next progress report of the parent grant, submitted the year 
following the supplement award.


A total of $500,000 in Fiscal Year 2004 will be made available for this 
program.  For each request, the maximum direct cost is $50,000 in 
modular amounts of $10,000.  Please note that Facilities and 
Administrative (F&A) costs for subcontracts are to be included in the 
direct costs. Although the awarded budgets will be modular, applicants 
should provide a budget justification that details the budget items 
requested, including F&A.  


Applications will be reviewed administratively, and it is expected that 
for successful applications a resulting Supplemental Notice of Grant 
Award will be issued within three months of the receipt deadline.  All 
funding decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.  Review 
criteria will include the relevance of the proposed activity to 
collaborative approaches to research in traumatic brain injury.

RECEIPT DATE:  October 15, 2003


Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to:

Mary Ellen Michel, Ph.D.
6001 Executive Boulevard, NSC-2222
Bethesda MD 20892-9525
Rockville, MD 20852 (courier)
Tel:  301-496-1447
Fax:  301-480-1080

Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:

Rita Sisco
Grants Management Branch
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
6001 Executive Blvd., NSC-3249
Bethesda, Maryland  20892
Tel:  301-496-9231
Fax:  301-402-0219

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