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Archive for the ‘Resource Sharing’ Category

New Americans Health Portal Launched

Friday, November 21st, 2008

The Library of the Health Sciences at the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) is pleased to announce the launch of The New Americans Health Information Portal (NAHIP).

This portal is a collaboration with the Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights. Our new portal links to a variety of quality multi-lingual health education documents. Languages include: Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, French, Haitian Creole, Karen, Khmer, Lao, Russian, Somali, Swahili, Thai, Tigrina and Vietnamese.

We hope this site is useful and welcome feedback. For comments on website: lmassen1 at

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. N01-LM-6-3503 with the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Location, Location, Location

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Now, where is that library? I know I put it here somewhere! Thanks to a mashup of Google Maps and your location in DOCLINE by Web Services Technology Operations Center (Web-STOC) programmer Aron Beal in Seattle, you can find other institutions more easily via NN/LM Member Maps. Before I get into too much detail about the member maps, let me briefly explain about Web-STOC.  This team keeps our websites in good running order and keeps us compliant with federal guidelines related to accessibility.  They are located at the University of Washington, which is home to the NN/LM - Pacific Northwest Region.


Finding & Funding a Federated Search Engine Product – Are We There Yet?

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

GMR Blue By Barbara Platts, MLIS, AHIP
Munson Healthcare
Traverse City, MI

My 3-year journey to explore the feasibility of embracing federated search engine technology, recently culmunated with a trip to the 2008 Computers in Libraries Conference (CIL) in Arlington, Virginia. Thanks to the generous support of a GMR Professional Development Award, I was able to attend a number of sessions specifically related to current federated search engine applications. In addition, I was able to speak with identified vendors to set up trials upon my return from the conference, and network with colleagues who use this technology. (more…)

ILLiad and the Medical Library World

Friday, April 4th, 2008

GMR BlueKevin O’Brien
Assistant Access Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago

The world of library resource sharing is undergoing a period of change. Electronic journals and freely available content like the material in PubMed Central are contributing to a decline in demand for interlibrary loan service as it has been traditionally defined. In response, many libraries are changing the way they do business. (more…)

Library Groups - What are they?

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

Library Groups and Local Consortia are the foundations of resource sharing. They allow libraries to broaden their collections and their services. The spirit of giving really presents itself with this concept. One small library is able to prosper from the collections of many. In the Greater Midwest Region we encourage local consortia to become DOCLINE® library groups. (more…)

Promote Your Consumer Health Library in MedlinePlus

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

By Tammy Mays, MLIS
Former Consumer Health Coordinator
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
Chicago, IL

Have you ever wondered how you can list your Consumer Health Library on the Find a Library ( page in MedlinePlus? (more…)

EFTS Questions You May Have

Monday, November 19th, 2007

Jola Sliwinski
EFTS Program Coordinator
University of Connecticut Health Center Library
Farmington, CT

EFTS, the Electronic Fund Transfer System used to debit and credit member accounts for the cost of interlibrary loans, was started in 1996 and currently has over 1200 participants. There are now EFTS libraries in each of the 50 states, Canada and Mexico. In developing this service over the past eleven years, EFTS staff has had the opportunity to listen to many librarians who have raised questions, issues and concerns regarding EFTS. Here are some of the more common questions, concerns and answers about EFTS: (more…)

Tips for Updating Your Routing Table

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Hello DOCLINE® Libraries,

As your DOCLINE Coordinator I answer lots of questions regarding Routing Tables. Here is a list of tips to cover a few of those queries: (more…)

Consider using Loansome Doc

Friday, May 4th, 2007

Hello DOCLINE Libraries,

Imagine a day where you log onto the DOCLINE System and all your patron requests are waiting there for you. The citations have been verified, the patron information has been filled-in, they are all in a neat little column and ready to be sent to institutions that own the items that are being requested.

Loansome Doc libraries start everyday like this. Your DOCLINE institutional profile can assist you in displaying the price of loans, the users groups you are ready to service and if you want your potential patron to contact your library before singing up for the service. Loansome Doc libraries are self-selected. The Loansome Doc Options screen in the Institutional profile controls the defaults for these services, delivery methods and registration.

For more ideas on the uses of Loansome Doc: Loansome Doc Information for Librarians


Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

Hello DOCLINE® Libraries,

If you are going to be away from your library, take certain steps to assure that your users are aware of your absence. You likely update your voicemail message, initiate a hold for your email and repost hours of operation. You can do the same thing for your DOCLINE account.

Use the electronic DOCLINE Hold Request form to make use of a vacation mail like feature for your DOCLINE account. Placing your library on hold means that requests will no longer route to your institution. If you are a Loansome Doc library, your users will not be able to request items from you until you return. If they have a secondary library selected, the system will automatically choose the active DOCLINE library.