News and Events

Africana Studies Director Sherri Burr Discusses UNM's Black History Month

Sherri BurrUNM Sr. Communication Rep. Carolyn Gonzales interviews Africana Studies Director Sherri Burr about UNM's Black History Month events, current academic initiatives in the program, news about a recent intersession course that took students to Egypt, and an introduction to Kadeshia Matthews, new faculty in English and Africana Studies. To hear the podcast visit: Black History Month 2009 at UNM.

Photo: Sherri Burr, director, Africana Studies

Africana Studies Kicks Off Black History Month Jan. 31

dick-gregory-billThe UNM Africana Studies Department kicks off Black History Month with a brunch on Saturday, Jan. 31 at 11 a.m. in the Student Union Building, ballrooms A and B. The brunch features a lecture by influential civil rights activist and comic Dick Gregory. The lecture, titled “From Civil Rights Activism to the Election of Obama: Has the Dream Been Fulfilled,” will discuss current equality and race issues in the African American community.

Photo: Dick Gregory

Taos High Grads Top UNM Student Leadership Positions

Taos_GroupFive Taos High School graduates have been elected to key undergraduate student government leadership roles at the University of New Mexico, via the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico.

Photo: Alex Riebli, seated. Standing (l. to r.):, Ana-Alicia Romero, Zoe Riebli, and Lazaro Cardenas Jr. Not pictured: Lawrence Bustos.