Topic: digestive diseases (dd)
Title: Colonic and Rectal Obstruction.
Author: Marcet, J., Nord, H.J.; Kaidar-Person, O.
Source: IN: Wexner, S.; Stollman, N., eds. Diseases of the Colon. New York, NY: Informa Healthcare USA. 2007. pp 23-36.
Availability: Available from Informa Healthcare USA. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Email: healthcare Website: www.informahealthcare .com. Price: $265.00.
Abstract: This chapter about colonic and rectal obstruction is from a comprehensive text that offers chapters about each of the major colonic disorders. Each chapter is coauthored by at least one surgeon and one gastroenterologist to reflect the in-depth collaboration between these fields that is required for managing diseases of the colon. In this chapter, the authors describe the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, evaluation, and treatment of colonic and rectal obstruction. They emphasize that obstruction of the large intestine is a serious medical problem that requires urgent attention and intervention. The most common causes of bowel obstruction include colorectal cancer, volvulus, and diverticular disease. Symptoms of obstruction include abdominal pain and distention and severe constipation, also called obstipation. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the recommended treatment for specific causes of colonic obstruction, including colorectal cancer, diverticular disease, volvulus, and colonic pseudo-obstruction. The chapter concludes with an extensive list of references. 2 tables. 65 references.

Format: Book Chapter
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Digestive System Diseases. Colon. Anatomy. Physiology. Patient Care Management. Pathology. Gastroenterology. Surgery. Intestinal Obstruction.
Minor Keywords: Diagnosis. Symptoms. Constipation. Risk Factors. Diagnostic Tests. Large Intestine. Volvulus. Abdominal Pain. Diverticulosis. Intestinal Pseudoobstruction.
Publication Number: DDBK10855.
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